A 37-year-old Russian and ihr zehnjähriger Sohn haben ben Donnerstagabend aus der Torrent the Pareis-Schlucht gettet were sparrows. If you have made a report of the MM-Schwesterzeitung “Ultima Hora”, you can no longer read it and there are not many more messages.
Der Ehemann and Vater des Jungen have an alarm message if the family is not reunited. Meeting point erschien.Die Feuerwehr Mallorca rückte mit Einheiten aus Inca und Sóller an, unterstützt von der Bergrettungseinheit (GREIM) of the Guardia Civil.
Once it is that intense, the behavior is going to happen at some point longer Zeitraum Please note that you can use the Einsatzkräfte Mutter and some kind of wohlbehalten and take care when picking up the things.
This temperature controller can be alarming for 21 hours, if the temperature with Einbruch der Dunkelheit rapide sank. Die schwierigen Bedingungen in Gelände und ohne Tageslicht führten dazu, dass die Suche nach Frau und Kind more Stunden in Anspruch nahm.
There is a kilometer long Torrent of Pareis that blows through time up to 200 meters high mountain range in the mountains until more can be found. The well-balanced Wanderung Mallorca is not worth mentioning, but people were saved here during the years. Zuletzt war ended British Wandering Couple Start September with a torrent from Pareis-verunglückt.