Petition for Durchfahrtverbot im Zentrum

Petition for Durchfahrtverbot im Zentrum


Dierikons Zentrum soll vom Durchgangsverkehr befreit

A petition requests a breakthrough ban in the Rigi-, Zentralstrasse and Schönenboden area.

Traffic in Dorf Dierikon.

Traffic in Dorf Dierikon.

Image: Gemeinde Dierikon

Der Durchgangsverkehr im Dierikoner Zentrum soll unterbunden. When a petition is submitted, the Gemeinderat is reached, which the Gemeinde writes on its website. The solution in the area of ​​Rigistrasse, Zentralstrasse as well as Schönenboden and Fahrverbot with the Zusatz “Zubringerdienst statetet” were changed. We would like to know more about the reduction of negative effects on the positive effects. The petition was not made available by 253 people.

The Dierikoner Gemeinderat became Grateful for the machines in Frühjahr 2025. A comprehensive signaling system can be used by the community, following the succession of the system through the cantonal Behörden, in its own community.

Grundsätzlich anerkenne der Gemeinderat das Bedürfnis nach Sicherheit and Verkehrsberuhigung. In the meantime, the green ones are grown in the countryside in the areas of the community. Tempo 30 hrs. “In the Augen der Petitionare, this mass is no longer visible,” the Gemeinde writes. The fact is that this is the fault of the ‘inner kürzester Zeit’, with the worship of the Investment and Debt Assistance that has long passed through the Rigi- and Zentralstrasse. (standard)

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