Down Under, the Rolex Sydney Hobart Race has started in the Second Christmas Day. Went “Boxing Day” 104 Boote ins Running. The crispy Sonnenscheinstarts with winds from 18 to 24 Knoten next clean the first Aufgaben. There is a top favorite in the Line Honors camp who has been affected.
A radiant and promising Sydney Harbor, Sonnenschein, blauer Himmel and emerging Nordostwinde of 18-24 knots are ensured for a fresh Start on 79. Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. 104 Crews enjoy going to Sydney’s second class on Hobart’s Tasmania coast exciting camps, before leaving the Flottenach and being used in other ways.
Rolex Sydney Hobart Race: Record possible
The farbenfrohes Spectacle, since 1945 was born in 1945, started at 13 o’clock in the afternoon of the Second Christmas Day in Sydney. The war with the 100-Fuß-Maxi “LawConnect” has started with the Flotte of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2024 during the delivery of Sydney Heads. De Freud does not want to wait any longer, but a furlerleine plötzlich is no longer a woolly issue.
The Konkurrenz on “Master Lock Comanche” is useless due to the Mission and the überholte of the Rivalin in the Kampf, one of the Line Honors zunächst. One of the titles is the start of the Christian Becks team on “LawConnect” on the Wieder An field. The Spitzenreiter follows the V70 “Celestial”, Grant Wharington’s “Wild Thing” and Michael Firmin’s i52 “Zeus”.
With a high time-lapse of 1 Tag and 9 results, the race in 2017 last year for the fast start at the active launch of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Race was in the race of the year. Before you can see the “LDV Comanche” in the Kurs in 1 Tag, 9 Stunden, 15 Minuten and 24 Sekunden meistert and the still best Marke setzt.
Zweimalige Gesamtsiegerin “Alive” from the Rennen
The quick start of the war. The fresh wind then hits the big boat on the coast of the New South Wales coast. The first thing you put on a Tag is a great Crew. The 2018 and 2023 Gesamtsieger must be solved with engine problems. Phillip Turner’s Tasmanian “Alive” cannot compete with more than the Tattersall Cup in those years.
The gold-plated prize is gold-plated for the Rolex Sydney Hobart Race, which is worth watching the IRC time. While the Tattersall-Cup-Sieger was one of the Startline crossers, it was also true that the Tattersall-Cup-Sieger was located here. Dazu 23 Zweihand-Crews und sechs Yachts aus Übersee, who has the other way to Down Under at ease, is one of the berühmtests of the Segelwelt teilzunehmen.
The 2016 national “Giacomo” war of the last Australian yacht, the Rolex Sydney Hobart Race, has been purchased. The part of the amateur and family crews besthenden Flotte is also the smallest Teilnehmerin “Kismet” with a length of 9.30 meters.
Mastbruch for a Vater-Sohn-Duo
The team of the Jeanneau Sun Fast 3300 “Transcendence Rudy Project” is busy executing the action on the start-up of “Alive” and not schlimmer either. As a Father-and-Sohn-Duo, Martin and John Cross happily produced 50 Seemeilen as ihr Mast for the coast of New South Wales.
The next shock is on March 26. Deutsche Zeit of December: With “Master Lock Comanche” one of the top favorites at eight created teilnahme aus. The message from the Crew about a Großsegel-Schaden. Damit was at the end of the day when they started sailing the yachts.
However, the time has come and the “Wild Oats” Team has suffered Rigg Damage. Bei insgesamt eight Ausfällen bis zum frühen Abend am 26. Dezember deutscher Zeit verlieben 96 Boote en ihre Mannschaften im fordernden Rennen über 628 Seemeilen.
Here it is the Zwischenstanden.
Here is the impressive start of the 79. Rolex Sydney Hobart Race: