Zum Fest der Liebe hat Moderator Angelina Kirsch (36) has a different opinion for her fans: Sie hat sich verlobt!
That’s a Man in a Griff hat – that’s true Angelina Kirsch in der letzten „The Taste“-Staffel Woche für Woche. The moderator of Alexander Herrmann, Alexander Kumptner, Tim Raue and Frank Rosin with their charm in their finger. But Welcher Mann is private in the Glück – the moderator is no longer.
Bis jetzt! Denn die 36-Jährige hat sich verlobt. Stolz said that the funkelnden Ring on Instagram and wrote: “Verliebt…verlobt…verzückt. I still can’t glauve, I became my Traummann heritage.” The goal went viral so quickly. So the gratulants belong to others Moderator Madita van Hülsen (43) and Tanzerin Isabel Edvardsson (42).
Angelina Kirsch: Antrag nach fast 6 Jahren Beziehung
Look at your fans and go to the house – and buy Angelina Kirsch with a few details. Eine Nutzerin, die ihr gratuliert, fragt: „Who long musstest du warten? I have lived for 11 years and spent a few years.” The answer from Angelina Kirsch: “Bei mi were es fast sechs Jahre…”
A response from another woman: “The Christkind sends gifts not more tops.” If the moderator says: “That’s true!” And if you notice a man: There is “the best in the whole world. Der Antrag war so besonders!!!!” If you want to do it again, it won’t be. „We are still happy with our love“, it is clear.
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There is a story that does not consist of an external editor Instagram inhalation
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Yes, I want to see one and more inhalation
It is clear that Mann finds a page before the revelation incomprehensible. If your partner has no war or anything else: With Mario Dornbach he says he is with the rotten Teppich. Check out the 2018 trend if you’re in a hidden space. The only thing Mann and his page can do is Kater Balu.
Nowadays, a child is born: For a year after the first photo of himself, Balu – and his friend. “Heute hat mein Liebster Geburtstag and diesen besonderen Tag nehme ich zum Anlass, um ihn euch mal zu zeigen”, wrote sie damals zu dem Foto. But the family portrait was completely below: If you look at it with a photo app, it looks great on your own Disney characters…