Those who try to profit from democracy with deepfakes

Those who try to profit from democracy with deepfakes

Since the beginning of the Superwahljahrs 2024, Politologists warned that Deepfakes are destroying democratic Wahlen. Nun zeit sich: The war war has evolved, the technology will work differently.

Illustration Simon Tanner / NZZ

New technologies have been able to get the best out of themselves. Once the books are found, it is possible to increase pressure on the press, which often results in incorrect reports. The telephone would be found in an uninteresting enterprise, it will be a shaky enterprise: the politics, those German governments, which have to be established, will be adopted in the near future. uses JavaScript for some functions. Every browser or adblocker disappears temporarily.

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When you watch the radio, the child is so grim from the house that it is no longer possible for the citizen to be portrayed. One of the fernsehers might be concerned with the fact that he has Gehirn. Ingenious Wahlentscheide see damit nicht more possible.

No new technology is needed in the fight against democracy, so let’s see. The discovery, today’s democracy, is the most intelligent intelligence. Every influence on the political world in the beginning of the Superwahljahrs 2024 has generally been discussed: it became democratic Wahlen-verzerren, especially with deepfakes, also computer-generated photo, video or audio data, the guten candidates-skandale and sie damit unwählbar machen würden.

Are you appealing for political incentives?

The fear of deepfakes is one of the consequences in Slovakia. In September 2023, the Stimmbevölkerung will be a new parliament. Kurz vor der Wahl has a deepfake in the social networks on: an audio file, a Mitschnitt a telephony prächs of Michal Simecka, the forerunners of the liberal Partei Progressive Slovakei (PS), and a journalist. Those Stimmen were artfully generated. If you like, the PS has purchased four “Wahllokale gesichert” and incentives from the Roma Siedlungen.

Publishing the file is about the Wahl, a timeless time, in the tradition of politics and the medium term, more than the Wahl messages. The audio suggests that one of the powerful politicians in the country has been corrupted and manipulated by the Wahlen. In the social network works, the deepfake can start working unhindered. You can view the file’s details before doing the AFP press agent’s fact-check Fälschung is open.

The Szenario, the Polit-Beobachter thought, would now end up in another country: Kurz vor der Wahl was missed Candidates in Deepfakes-diskreditiert – bis man schliesslich nicht meer wit, was wahr ist en was nicht.

“Armageddon” is a fact

After the Fall in Slovakia sagging Hillary Clinton on the Security of Democratic Wahlen: “Everything, it will never be good, but it is not over.” And the Friedensnobelpreisträgerin and journalist Maria Ressa spoke In the last years of the Superwahljahr, «Armageddon» and power will enter their year in 2024, while democracy intertwines «lebe or der sterbe».

Inzwischen is the Superwahljahr fast rum, it is a Dutzende demokratische Wahlen in unterschiedlichen Weltregionen stattgefunden. Populist parties have emerged that never started, but provide the Wahl compromising video or audio material, which the candidates can present in some form of presentation.

Even in Slovakia, in various media as a use of the world, while deepfakes are used by democracy, Simeckas’ mistake can cause inner stimuli. We want to see the populist, Russian-friendly Party Smer am meisten, aber de Partei von Simecka kam auf Platz zwei and Schnitt am Wahltag besser ab as in the letzten Wahlumfragen.

Kaum Wirkung from Deepfakes in the US

In the US, while most Wahlen prosperity, it is a small Chinese idea that Deepfakes have the Wahl influence. Also see selected videos about various candidates. Kamala Harris became a different man, as he has done A geschützte Nashorn is a shock and a youthful turnaround. Both videos could be removed if mistakes are made and an issue is caused by Microsoft that does not result in major releases.

If there are any videos that last, it either started with an AI tool or became a war. This said: The fahren of AI generation of deepfakes in Wahlkampf would be executed. Wer täuschen will, braucht KI, est une videocamera und unedit schauspieler.

Come on, the large scale of political deepfakes for a very harmful Zweck will become war: zur Unterhaltung. The man seen in the video sequences as Harris and Trump became a couple of lovers were born together with a baby. Or the video of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi having a beautiful day will no longer happen tomorrow.

Soft Fakes can contact Wählern

Gerade uses useless political synthetic media in India, anyone who can use deepfakes is inspired by his Wahl campaign. They get avatars that are self-aware and can provide individual video bots. In the clips, the political leaders and politicians are spoken by their names, listen to the citizen who wants so much, and finally get to play once in your life. And das nicht nur in een Sprache, sononder in Dutzenden, je nach Muttersprache des Empfängers.

For some videos with avatars there is a new description: Soft Fakes. When there is no power, one of the candidates who suffers harm is one of the most popular people to do so. Since the technology is a new art of the personal Wähleransprache, it may be that some Indian movement is the Wahllokale mobilizer, which is its first generation. Jedenfalls war dies in India as the war takes place in the swan years.

Politicians from other Asian countries also have AI-generated avatars and soft fakes. South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, from the Anfang Dezember, has raised the criticism and inzwischisch in parliament, who wants a Wahlkampf an KI-Avatar that itself sets welding, the tag on Fragen from the Wählerschaft-antwortete. Start speaking the avatar for all political issues, bald or personal Fragen and want to see you during karaoke singing. The avatar has made more than 60 years of Candidates young and hip.

Solche Soft Fakes can be a man who works manipulatively, while his Candidates line up, while he can use the Dutzende Sprachen, which is no longer available in Wahrheit. Man can say he is playing fake tattoos when politics becomes young and friendly through his avatar, when he sees.

Other people see the positive page: Schaffen is the politics, the fragments, the problem and the problems of the people of Avatars, who 24 Stunden op de Tag erreichbar sind, besser zu verstehen, könnten Soft Fakes der Democratie auch nutzen. Hilft der Fake dem Politiker, niederschwellig erreichbar zu sein, would be an ideal choice for a sister instrument of democratic partisanship.

Deep nudes are a problem for politicians

Ob-synthetic media will also be used before the night of democracy, separated from the people who use them. What matters is that the technology for the Gute system and the Schlechte function, with its empowered world, are sequels.

Zum Beispiel die Kriminellen, die Deepfake pornography of British local politicians has used the clips on the internet. If you are not harmed, this is a democratic system. Schliesslich became his political interest in the Frauen from the region that now dominates, but they work in the einsteigen wollen politics.

Auch von Kamala Harris kursierten sogenannte Deepnudes während des Wahlkampfs. This is the result of a Straftat. For this fall of technology, the responsibility of the machine is greater than that of the kurz. Schliesslich were here Kriminelle beteiligt, the only technology that erases the anonymity of the Internet is missing.

The border is real and can change

Trotzdem has never been a phenomenon of deepfakes as unthinkable for democracy. Because new technology is used so often, it first becomes clear that it takes a long time.

In a world, in the deepfakes as we became, most Wählerinnen and Wähler damn many people, who in the social networks could not be more than clearly indistinguishable, real and computer-generated. The Grundgefühl, that man had not been able to think of everything, was the most lying man, anyway, could be grundsätzlich on the Vertrauen in information broadcast information. If we took the next step, our passion was: Man started to read his first information, which was in his own Weltbild passenger.

Politics can do real business or act in its air force, as «alternative parties», verkünden, and make profit from a concept, the political interest organization of the «Dividende der Lügner» nennt: Weiss man nicht, was wahr ist and was falsch, can man von Wrong actions that are profitable or true Begebenheiten verleugnen.

The Entwicklung, which is confronted with the fact that he is no longer separated, is a hornet’s nest as a kind of Deepfake-Anwendungen. The deepfake technology as a sun block for the entwicklungshinzustellen is being favored. If the man never knows what the Fragen would say: Why entfernt itself the traditional political Elite of the Population? Was politics no longer able to make populist statements?

Gerade for the political elite could offer a solution. If you put a finger on the technology, this is the case. Worries about democracy that go with the KI-Zeitalter are counterproductive. Although there is a good chance that synthetic media will not modernize democracy.

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