Trigema-Chefin Grupp wehrt violent Vorwürfe von AfD-Politiker Wille ab!

Trigema-Chefin Grupp wehrt violent Vorwürfe von AfD-Politiker Wille ab!

Bonita Grupp, the head of the textile industry and the guidance of the CDU, has waged a fierce battle because she is critical of the views of AfD politicians Björn Höcke. In a discussion in the credit crisis of the Zollernalbkreises, and Erik Wille, the supporters of the AfD faction, the group questioned the Glaubwürdigkeit of Höckes Aussagen infrage. Höcke hatte im Summer 2022 the Initiative “Made in Germany – Made by Vielfalt” provides criticism and forecasts, the Unternehmen who can use Trigema in economical Turbulens.

Grupp, the Unternehmen community with its Bruder Wolfgang Grupp junior führt, concreted in an interview, that 25 Mitarbeiter aus Syrian beschäftigt and insgesamt Fachkräfte aus 40 Nations in ihrem Unternehmen integriere. If you consider that the production cannot be carried out by the judge. Erik Wille responds to his criticism and reimburses a video of an anti-Israel demonstration in the year 2014 and he is found guilty, “guilty of a debt in that country” and says that he is threatened with the video Integration problems auseinandersetzt.

Grupp weist Vorwürfe zurück

In the response of the group that started before the war and the concrete work of integration in Germany, the changes in the corridors are promoted. If you like, the integration process has become active. While keeping his backbone to the Syrian government, the Sturz von Baschar al-Assad could appeal to his appearance, to his face. Group erklärte, that the people who are living with it are integrated in Germany and a Rücksendung as “herben Verlust” empfunden were würde.

Trigema is strongly involved in the “Made in Germany” initiative. Made by Vielfalt” and try to be as active as possible in the company culture in the country at. The group has been active for 35 years at Trigema Migranten or has a migration intergrund that has an umbrella Anzahl from Aleppo, who heads as Näherinnen and Näher arbeiten. Make sure you find a solution to solve the problems in your internal economy, where these big tenteils learn, that the intoxicating hat is welded.

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