Rolled Sichuan is the only fear ship in the world with an electromagnetic catapult. This is the first step in the Dock Verlassen.
I am 27. December and the Einweihungszeremonie für die Type 076 stat. The Chinese Kriegsschiff, the Borders Swiss Drohnen-, Hubschrauber-, Flugzeugträger and Amphibischen Angriffsschiff see below, heißt jetzt offiziell Sichuan and enter the Rumpf number 51.
The Zeremonie is one of the trockendocks of the Schiffswerft Hudong-Zhonghua at Shanghai stat. Dort was expected to appear on satellite images in Sichuan in October 2023. The China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC). The state-owned company is responsible for most of the Kriegsschiffe of the Chinese Navy, which, like the Zerstörer Type 055 and the Flugzeugträger Fujian.
➤ Read more: European missiles are said to be based on Chinese Kriegsschiffs
Both of Zeremonie before the death of Sichuan nor in Trockendock. It was done when the water was welded. When the time comes, the testing phase begins.
Amphibious Angriffsschiff with Welldeck
That Sichuan is like amphibians Angriffsschiff classifiable. The name of this class is unreasonable: Die Schiffe selbst können nicht an der Küste aufsetzen, without welding Amphibious vehicle zu Wasser. You can also think of amphibious fear.
Solche Kriegschiffe wurden ursprünglich genutzt, een Truppen zum Einsatzort zu bring. Vom Flugdeck starts this with Hubschraubern. The US loves the Kipprotor Flugzeug V-22 Osprey.
Am Heck that Schiffe does is one of the best Weldeck. Starting from Dort Boat and Amphibian armor.
Look at Sichuan in Welldeck am Heck. Beim Verlassen des Docks is het geschlossene Tor zum Welldeck am Heck deutlich zu recognised. If the war is unclear, while Sichuan has a Welldeck, or if he has a beautiful view, with an amphibious fear, there is a bigger fire on the Flugbetrieb-legen.
Type 076 at Verlassen des Docks
Electromagnetic Catapult power Sichuan einzigartig
Zur Klasse der amphibiische Angriffsschiffe became auch Drohnen and Hubschrauberträger gezählt. There is a Kriegschiffe that fulfills a certain function FlugzeugträgersWhen we started a board, the Bauweise von kürzeren runways and spring jumps (ski jumps) started to work. Dazu zählt etwa die America Class of the US Marines, of the Stealth-Fighter F-35B start.
Trotz der Vielfalt der Schiffe in der Kategorie der amphibiische Angriffsschiffe, gibt is nur een eenziges af de gezen Welt, das een electromagnetic slingshot (EMALS) hat: die Sichuan. Bis zur Sichuan, EMALS now goes to 2 Schiffen and both are Super-Flugzeugträger: they Gerald R Ford of the US Navy and die Fujian of the Chinese Navy.
➤ Read more: There are 10 major Flugzeugträger der Welt
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While EMALS experiences one of the catapults, it was found in the Startbahn. Electromagnetic An enormous magnetic field is created along the railway.
Dadurch was there Schlitten – and a good time for a confirmed Flugzeug – entlang der Bahn beschleuninigt. After the Flugzeug has the inheritable Geschwindigkeit for the Abheben erreicht, this is vom Schlitten and has ab. Then the Schlitten at the end of the Katapultbahn will be abgebremst and the next start will be completed.
Vorteile gegenüber Dampfcatapulten
The operation of the magnets can be performed Beschleunigung if the electromagnetic variant is transmitted exactly. The Notnauwen Kraft can be a flugzeug type that is highly separated. So the fully loaded Kampfjets and deutlich schwerer as unmanned Aufklärungsdrohnen. You may need a description of the Drohne.
Weil EMALS are as versatile as classic steam catapult paints, which are less flexible and warp-friendly. The loading of the electromagnet is faster than the energy from the vapor, weshalb with EMALS more Starts in the course Folge since.
If the Zeremonie is at war with Katapult, there is still an upward movement um. Here it is not clear, but it is a woman who does not want to go to work or China will hinder new Blicke other nations.
GJ-11 for the Sichuan
Get started with the catapult Kampfdrohnen troubles were started. In June 2024, satellite images appeared on the Trainingsplatz on a land, which is part of the Flugdecks of Sichuan nachempfunden.
Training platform with GJ-11
© Google Earth
The Platz is located in the Nähe der Werft, in the Kriegsschiff is being built. On the training ground there were dummies that see, that der GJ-11 ahneln. Die Stealth-Drohne ist 12.2 meters long and hat a Flügelspannweite von 14.4 meters. That is the case in my internal Waffenschacht Rockets and Bombs in front of Bodenangriffe.
➤ Read more: Satellitenbilder said China’s new Stealth-Drohne in Tests
The second time you look at the GJ-11 is at the Rahmen during a military parade in Beijing
© Chinese Military Forces
If you use the speculations, the GJ-11 or a new variant with Luft-Luft-Raketen can be ordered. The Drohne is no longer off the road, to man China’s Stealth-Jets J-20 and J-35 as a Wingman in Kampf beistehen.
The Chinese military hat is animated for 2 years. Darin is one 2-seater J-20 If you see, 3 GJ-11 are covered. The idea is that the Zweite Mann in the J-20 Cockpit is just as good as the GJ-11s equipment for bzw. the clearance dates, those love ones, auszuwerten.
➤ Read more: China’s new Stealth-Fighter J-20 is ready for Taiwan
Ungewöhnlich breites Flugdeck
The main body of Type 076 is one of the Welt’s largest active amphibious craft, with a long service life flchen Flugdeck. Deshalb hat sie in der Vergangenheit von internationalen Medien und Rüstungsanalysten Beiamen wie “Monster Kriegsschiff” Oder “Franken Carrier” get. It was a story in its size and shape, that the mountain corridor of the Flugzeugträger-Class was clearly visible and although not entirely clear, the Type 076 was a safe signal so that it was delivered.
Anhand von Satellitenaufnahmen would be berechnet, dass die Sichuan 263 meters long and 43 meters wide ist. A number of marine experts have captured the photos taken by a Breite from a distance of 50 meters away.
Laut der Chinese Marine soll die Sichuan in Kampfeinsatz een Verdrängung von etwa 40,000 tons haben. It is an absolutely conservative fact that the end of China’s withdrawal from the Kampfkraft-ziehen-können is possible. Applying the Größe des Schiffs is a repression bis knapp 50,000 tons absolutely imaginable. Zum Vergleich: The America-Class is the largest active amphibious Angriffsschiff of the USA. This is the case 257 meters long and 32 meters widewith a Verdrängung von bis zu 45,693 tons.
The Fokus on the GJ-11 can be one of the gründes, where Sichuan knits so rampantly for a Schiff-dieser class. It is a great flight deck, with more traffic, a great flight experience, and a pleasant place to maneuver. Zum Vergleich: Die LHD TriesteItalian major warship, with a useful Flugdeck von 230 meters long and 36 meters wide and is a ski jump for the take-off of the F-35B.
Camp jets in Sichuan
The company operates as a Hinweise-darauf, that China on Type 076 crewed Flugzeuge nuts want. Of the masses, its most technical knowledge can play a role in landing the ground. It is unclear, ob this grim pleasure ist, eh Chinas J-15T (Make sure J-15B is generated) if the Fujian is set, it will be executed.
➤ Read more: Erster Kampfjet for China’s Super-Flugzeugträger Fujian is ready
A lost cause was a fact Senkrecht starteralmost a Gegenstück of the American F-35B.
Once China gets a J-35 variant, rights can start and countries can start – no hints can be made in the hinterland. If Sichuan has set the service, he will also be able to work best with Drohnen in verschiedenen Größen and manning Hubschraubern.
2 Inseln
Once the Sichuan planes start flying and emasculating, it will no longer be possible to take out. It is optimized for the Flugbetrieb, anyway 2-Insel configuration said.
Type 076
© EPA / XINHUA / Liu Fang
If Insel wird der Turm There are a few Flugzeugträgers located in the bridge. With a configuration with 2, you will find the bridge in one tower and your personal, the flight watch and the steering wheel, in two towers. Dadurch kommen sich die Crews nicht gegenseitig in den Weg.
The 2-Insel configuration is modern and modern gilded in the west of the Ländern. The LHD Trieste setzt on 2 Inseln, ebenso wie de British Flugzeugträger der Queen Elizabeth Class.
Management of Sichuan
Both of the Zeremonie war deaths Bewaffnung der Sichuan zu sehen. Who at most Schiffen, which is optimal for the Flugbetrieb, is the Bewaffnung on the Self-protection des Kriegsschiffs ausgelegt.
In the videos of Zeremonie sind 3 Starter for HQ-10 When you see that Sichuan can no longer work. If you want to handle a variant, the Starter 24 Rockets is completed.
Rückseite der Type 076 with HQ-10 (left and right) and Type 1130 (Mitte)
The Boden-Luft-Raketen has formed a Reichsweite 9 km and abwehren Drohnen, Flugzeuge and Antitischiffsraketen. The American Gegenstück has died RIM-116 rolling airframe missile.
Ebenfalls zu sehen since 4 Täuschkörperwerfer2 on the Schiffs page. Jeder shows 32 Röhren zu haben. These are loaded with flares and chaff, and rockets with infrared and radar missiles.
On the left are one of the Täuschkörperwerfer that you see
Außerdem sind noch 3 Type 1130 zu sehen – left, hints and right in Schiff. That’s a machine gun in Caliber 30mm provided 11 Laufen. The Feuerfrequenz soll bis zu 11,000 Schuss pro Minute betrageen, the effective Reichweite up to 3 km.
Jedes Type 1130 has its own radar, one of the activities self-existence re-infliegende Luftziele zu bekämpfen. It is worth its weight in gold if the active Verteidigungslinie, an anti-microbial chain and kamikaze drugs are used. Auch Ziele auf der Wasseroberfläche, wie Jumping and swimming kamikaze dancescould be defeated. This is the Gegenstück zum Amerikanisch Phalanx.
Vorbild für western Länder
The Sichuan roads are unaltered configurations that are extremely interesting. Not in the US, it is possible that a company in the Pazifik type of Type 076 is considered an enemy: the Sichuan dare, it turns out, is the modern amphibious shock of the world.
➤ Read more: New details about Chinese mysteries Flugzeugträger
While the catapult bridges the classic function of this class, there is a Drohnenträger and a Hubschraubträger protection, which also serves the woman as a Flugzeugträger. The extensive Flugdeck is for others Schiffsbauern ebenso auf großes Interested stoßen, da immer more Nationen Care for Drohnenträger äußern. Those Sichuan can also leave for new Kriegsschiff-Designs.
Before you copy or be the most inspirational source of inspiration, consider it first. My life expectancy can last a night, free after dem Sprichwort: “You can do everything, but nothing is less good”. With a functional installation it will be rechnet from 2026.