Jeans became Magnus Carlsen from Verhängnis

Jeans became Magnus Carlsen from Verhängnis

Publishing houseDecember 29, 2024, 2:00 PM

Schach-WMJeans became Magnus Carlsen from Verhängnis

It is a pair of jeans worn by Magnus Carlsen at the Schnellschach-WM. 20 Minute fragment beim Schweizer Schachbund nach.

  • Magnus Carlsen sees himself from the Schnellschach-WM in New York, Zurich.

  • Grund is a Verstoss gegen de Kleiderordnung: Carlsen trug Jeans.

  • Carlsen leans as he gets disqualified and gets disqualified.

Title author Magnus Carlsen took care of his writing at the Schnellschach-WM in New York. One of the paths of punishment is being followed by the leaders of the Weltverband Fide (Fédération Internationale des Échecs) who have been making Norwegian signals sofortigen Rückzug vom Turnier erklärt for 34 years. There was no more muscle building and Dorthin travelled, “We’re better off as here,” said Carlsen.

The Number 1 of the Schach-Weltrankliste during their playing time in Jeans was the Teilnehmern untersagt ist. After sweating the Tages party, Carlsen received a fine of 200 US dollars and an ultimatum, which is a lot of money. Carlsen dies during the run and is disqualified from the run.

Kleiderorschrift der Fide

The Schach-Verband Fide (Fédération Internationale des Échecs) has organized the Tragen von Jeans at Schach-Events so that it is no longer considered an important issue. Soul of the Kleiderordnung is a «professional and respectful Erscheinungsbild» at the Veranstaltungen of gewährleisten.

Erwünschte Kleidung umfasst für Manner unter alles Anzüge, Shirts (longer kurzärmelig), Polo shirts, Hosen, Jacken and formal Schuhe. For women who wear Anzüge, Kleider, Röcke, Blusen, Hosen, Jacken, Pullover, Schals and Formelle Schuhe with Stiefel or Absätze.

Verboten are everyday clothing items with jeans, sportswear, sneakers or unbranded clothing. The Einhaltung der Kleiderordnung will be carried out by the chief arbitrator in the case with the control of the Fide Athletes Commission.

“Herr Magnus Carlsen has failed to comply with the Clothing Regulations regarding the Tragen of Jeans, the following long-term Regulations for these Veranstaltung are also prohibited since”, teilte der Weltverband mit. “These rules can last for years and all parts can be used and can be used for your veranstaltung..” A possible fortsetzung of the Turniers in the non-old Runden lehnte Carlsen danach ab.

Magnus Carlsen was introduced to Vorfall with humor

Carlsen himself cannot commit the disqualification with humor: on X-post there is a Ganzkörper photo, which is in the bean stand food. Dazu writes Carlsen emptlich «OOTD» (kurz für Outfit of the day bzw. Outfit des Tages). In an interview with Take Take Take, he said: ‘If you follow through with your rules, it’s okay. I’m raus, f*** you.”

The fidele suspension of a fine against the Turnierteilnehmer Ian Nepomniachtchi, we will compensate the Kleiderordnung versessen hatte, for Sportschuhe-trug. If one of the family’s heels finds itself in the future, Turnier’s clothes and fortress will be revoked.

Schweizer Schachbund unterstützt Dress Code Rule

Auf Nachfrage beim Schweizerische Schachbund bezieht Mediensprecher Markus Angst keine Stellung zu Entscheid von Turnier-Schiedsrichttern and their Verhalten von Ausländischen Spielern.

Trotzdem states Angst clearly: «Dress code regulations are not nur in Schach, including in other sports arts. It is possible that all sports teachers and sports teachers have an end content and have a verstoss-consistent performance.»

Ob dieser Zwischenfall Auswirkungen für den Sport habe, sei noch ungewiss. «Einerseits is of course not flawless, if a sporting art is only negatively viewed in a bad light. Other information about the Leitspruch: Jede PR ist good PR – Hauptsache die Leute sprechen darüber, here also über Schach», so Angst.

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