Moderator Reto Lipp moderates «Eco Talk» ab.
SRF/Oscar Alessio
After 20 years at SRF, you can consult Reto Lipp about the moderation of Wirtschaftsformats «Eco Talk» and. The SRF is now establishing a new vision for credible transmission.
Keine Zeit? blue News soon for these sisters
- In August 2025, Reto Lipp will retire and the moderation of «Eco Talk» will cease.
- Since 2007, Lipp has published SRF-Wirtschaftssendungen. Much more would be done as the «Schweizer Wirtschaftsjournalist des Jahres».
- SRF is now in the process of appointing a moderator or moderator with funding from Wirtschaftswissen and Kameraerfahrung.
- The new moderator or the new moderator will use «Eco Talk» for the «SRF fair» and thus talk in the time of his time.
After more than 20 years at SRF and the investigation into the transmission of the «Eco Talk» version, Reto Lipp from moderation is active. Who SRF gegenüber «» Mitteilt, aimed at the journalist in August 2025 at Pensionsalter.
When you’re with Röbi Koller, when you moderate a ‘Happy Day’, you can’t regret it when you’re done. Such a follow-up for the renowned economic format is achieved by Stelleninserat.
The Anforderungen and the Nachfolge von Reto Lipp are like that. Searched with a personal opinion with the «Erfahrung vor der Kamera», die ich entanglement des a publication in de Volks- or Betriebswirtschaft versügt or bereits langjährige Expertise in Wirtschaftsjournalismus vorweisen kann.
Reto Lipps grosse Fussstappen
“Souveränes Führen von Talks und Interviews, Professionalität in der Gesprächsführung und sicheres Auftreten auch in Live-Situationen” zählen laut der Stellenausschreibung ebenfalls zu de geforderten Qualifikationen.
One of the next questions is Andi Lüscher, Co-Wirtschaftschef of SRF, antreten. The hatred in the Vergangenheit becomes more and more moderate when Lipp prevents the war.
Go to the start of «Eco» in the war of 2007 Reto Lipp has started the search for a Wirtschaftsmagazines. After the installation of 2021, during the «Eco» from the Spargründen zur Gesprächssendung «Eco Talk», Lipp could see the Aushengschild of Sendung.
Nachfolge nor unclear
Lipp’s clear Vermittlung wirtschaftlicher Themen brought his zahlreiche Auszeichnungen ein, Zuletzt in december die Ehrung as «Schweizer Wirtschaftsjournalist des Jahres» and a «Goldene Feder» for extensive economics reporterstattung. There have been long-standing journalistic wars for the signal time at SRF that was in favor of UBS.
If the Abgang van Reto Lipp SRF chooses the herausforderung, the moderators and economics experts will gain their full experience. If you want more information, you can no longer use «Eco Talk», but you can also visit the «SRF exchange» for the room. The finishing is carried out with tension.