Is the money the right Belohnung?

Is the money the right Belohnung?

One of the ideas that the image takes away and a heranzuführen from literature will not contain one of the moral trifles of Klein-Klein.

The peculiarity is that reading is one of the pleasurable human characteristics.

The peculiarity is that reading is one of the pleasurable human characteristics.


The May holiday starts on July 28, 2024 as one of the worst holidays in the History of Swiss Pädagogik eingehen. We will spend a half week at Rain and 19 Grad in a Ferienhaus am Ärmelkanal. And soon I’ll go that long with eight years on the iPad, after playing the «Gregs Tagebuch» Band 16, 17 and 18. Die Stimmung-war am Nullpunkt. uses JavaScript for some functions. Every browser or adblocker disappears temporarily.

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Before this background is in Erich Kästner’s children’s book class “Emil and the Detective”, he has to pack a package when the children’s book series starts. Once you have read everything, a child – and the mother – will have a great time: excitement, humor and first a Wortschatz, there is more about the Comic Roman-hafte «Keuch-pfeif» hinausgeht. During the regneric period of 19 years during the summer period is the moment when the own Mutter glücklich machen, uninterested by the letzte, a man like Achtjähriger Lust hat.

It’s a fact. Other data can be found later on 48 days on the iPad. And so kam mir and diesem 28. July the idea of ​​the world dies: the problem with the money that comes loose. “You can earn your Franks, if you ‘Emil and the Detective’ lie the most!”, says that I have earned my money – nor can it be a bit that this line of thought would exist.

Others fall were in my head a broader Swiss ethics and zweck ausgebrochen. If it is of course white, the man is Kinder nicht for Leistungen zahlen soll. It seems that it is not possible to buy, now that it is no longer possible to make money. Anyway, if you have the time to enjoy yourself, it’s best to make one of the lustful people comfortable. If man aims for the beige color of light, when he has one of the positions of power.

And proud. Here it is not the case that it is one’s own child and not even a lesson from world literature learned. It cannot be that Klein-Klein moralizes so little. No, here it is worth helping a Drying dealer in your business. When I said I had done one of the things Lesestoff was given first, it was likely that I wouldn’t lose again. So that’s the least bad thing here, Soul meines small, schmutzigen Plans.

Perfect operation is guaranteed. Mein Sohn biss an – a long time loose. Immediately, my current reading was reported: «I am on four days!’, «I am happy on page 89!’ Innerhalb eines Nachmittags were «Emil und die Detektive» ausgelesen. And I don’t think it’s a good stolz – there isn’t a Rich Spass habit yet. Nach de Ferien who is working on the experiment with «Emil and the three Zwillinge» and first separated a «Ronja Räubertochter» with a high-ranking bot from zwolf Franken. Mein Sohn refuses if it’s good, then it’s class.

Stattdessen verschlingt is mittlerweile «Warrior Cats» book in binge mode. Auch das Verhältnis von Buchstaben und Bildern in seiner Lektüre hat sich merklich in Richtung Buchstaben verschoben. If all goes well, the Zweck also sanctifies that Skrupellosigkeit. A literary study that comes first quickly becomes true: everything is now worth a little less with money.

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