The Alt-Kemptner Swing and Blasmusik play a role

The Alt-Kemptner Swing and Blasmusik play a role

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The Alt-Kemptner Swing and Blasmusik play a role35 Musikerinnen and Musikers are arranged in the Dietmannsrieder Festhalle for a great artistic Stimmung. © Hubert Jäger

Who over the years has created the 35 musicians and musicians of the Alt-Kemptener under Leitung von Barthl Reisacher with his abwechslungsreichenprogram in his large fan community.

Dietmannsried – During the zwei-konzerten in the Dietmannsrieder Festhalle it is possible that the audience is influenced during the play fun.

After Helmut Müller’s arrangement, the melody of the melody began with a tradition march and the Walzer “Träumereien”. With a wonderful melody from the musical ‘West Side Story’ by Leonard Bernstein with ‘Maria’ and ‘America’ the contamination in the swinging movement could be defused. Barthl Reisacher junior, the conductor’s leader, said something impressive with an impressive Xylophon solo.

Lieder zum Advent, the lyrics were included in the program, luden ein zum Mitsingen and expanded Vorfreude auf die stille Jahreszeit. Swinging Blasmusik, a Markenzeichen von Helmut Müller, the first Conductors of the Alto-Kemptener, the most important Arrangements written, could be produced by Barthl Reisacher. When we hear the next man “Ohrwürmer” from the Glenn-Miller-Medley, with the melody “A String of Pearls” or “In the Mood”. Gekonnt fuhrte Martin Geiger und diesen Nachmittagen durch das Programm.

“Saxophones & Friends”

After the break, the musicians can use their motto “Saxophones & Friends” and start with a saxophone revue with different music with the tune “Yesterday” and “There is no business like show business”. The organizer of the chapel Markus showed the baritone saxophone with the solo “Ol’ Man River”. Volker Schmitt plays the melody of the film ‘The Mission’ on the soprano saxophone in the story of the soloists. “High Noon”, film music from “Die glorious Sieben”, and of course in the general public.

The inspiring outfit, for an experience of the Alt-Kemptner in the Partner City of Trient in the Italian national culture, war of the targeted Rahmen and an interesting glimpse for the letzten Programmpunkt “Lieder aus Italien”. Here the text of the program can be broken off and written with “Marina”, “Azzuro” or “Arrivederci Roma” and more words that will help you get there.

There was applause and great Zufriedenheit

If the government is concerned with the concerted action, it will lead to a cleaner Abschluss war.

Einhellige Zustimmung bei den Besuchern: Dies war een Spätnachmittag with Musik für das Wohlbefinden, schön, dass es so etwas noch gibt – Der Applaus war der Dank an alle Mitwirkenden Musikantinnen and Musikanten anyway their Conductors Barthl Reisacher.

Feste, Konzerte, Ausstellungen: Was man in Kempten und Umgebung unternehmen kann, lesen Sie im Veranstaltungskalender.

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