POL-OL: Travel delays in the Mühlenstraße

POL-OL: Travel delays in the Mühlenstraße

27.12.2024 – 10:23

Police inspection Oldenburg-Stadt / Ammerland

Oldenburg (ots)

Bereits am Samstag, op December 21, 2024, ereignete sich im Bereich der Mühlenstraße, in Höhe des Philip-Reis-Gangs, een Verkehrsunfall. The Polizei like Zeugen des Unfalls.

At 11:15 am the reports were received for the accident. You can buy a car from a car from Jaguar and a car from the Renault company. Both cars can slightly damage the lifespan of the car. The origins of the Unfallhergangs are not clear, and the Unfallparteien of the Hergang are not very paintable.

The police are working on a Hinweise von Personen, the Unfall has received information about how to obtain it. Hinweise was called in under the Ruf number 0441-7904115. (1578817)

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Police inspection Oldenburg-Stadt / Ammerland
Jens Rodiek
Phone: 0441/790-4004
Email: [email protected]


Original content from: Polizeiinspektion Oldenburg-Stadt / Ammerland, übermittelt durch news aktuell

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