Police are investigating ‘targeted’ vandalism and theft at two Hindu temples in Canberra

Police are investigating ‘targeted’ vandalism and theft at two Hindu temples in Canberra

Two of Canberra’s Hindu temples, in Florey and Mawson, have been broken into and vandalized.

The burglaries, which took place on Saturday afternoon, were particularly disturbing for the city’s Hindu community as it prepared to celebrate Diwali.

ACT Policing said it was investigating the incidents, which saw thieves destroy and steal donation boxes, destroy sacred idols and, at one location, even steal a large safe.

Police are looking for a group of four men believed to be behind the incident.

They said the Mawson Hindu Temple was targeted at 2pm when three donation boxes were stolen. Police said the perpetrators then traveled to the Hindu Temple Cultural Center in Florey and stole a large safe and five donation boxes.

They said they used a black Hyundai Trajet with Victorian plates 1EA2AZ to reach both temples.

Police are appealing for anyone with information to contact Crime Stoppers.


CCTV footage obtained by the ABC shows a group of men forcing their way through the glass doors of the Florey Temple.

Footage also shows the group using a wheelbarrow, which temple president Larkhan Sharma said was stolen from a shed, to help them transport the large safe to their waiting vehicle.

That safe could hold thousands of dollars at any time.

Mr Sharma said this was the sixth time in just two years that the temple had been targeted by thieves and it was becoming difficult to know what more could be done to step up security measures.

“We definitely plan to make it safer… but because it is only donation based, we will have to raise money,” he said.

“People are very sad and they have a very big anger inside them… (They say): ‘Why does this keep happening to us? We are such a peaceful community here, just minding our own business.’ .’”

a large temple is being cleaned

Community members had to clean up the damage. (Supplied: Sanjay Bhosale.)

Sanjay Bhosale of the Canberra India Council said the vandalism was particularly worrying.

“I mean, like there was some commentary on the acceptance of theft as such, but not on vandalism, looting and desecration of the temple grounds,” he said.

“This is not acceptable.”

broken office furniture

At each location, the thieves left a path of destruction. (Supplied: Sanjay Bhosale)

“There is something called Shiva Lingam, the deity of Lord Shiva, and that was actually broken and shattered,” Mr Bhosale explained.

“This doesn’t just seem like theft, but like wanton destruction motivated by hatred.”

Other “looting” of the property also took place, he said.

Holy 1

Sacred idols, including this Shiva Lingam, were broken. (Supplied: Sanjay Bhosale)

‘Deep grief and sorrow’ among the Hindu community

Mr Bhosale said many community members had expressed “deep grief and sorrow” as they came to terms with what had happened, while others had called for forgiveness.

“Some people are actually deeply offended by something that is so private and personal to them, their devotion (and) reverence to their gods… that their god has been trampled on in this way,” he said.

He said it was clear the temples were “targeted,” but what was not yet clear was the motive.

CCTV footage from each location has been provided to police to assist the investigation.

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