Post your household branch radically one and see for your money in a container – was for the knowledge of everything new
The post branch an der Aargauerstrasse at the Bahnhof Wohlen is opened after the modernization of Frühling. Part of the Verkaufsfläche will be destroyed with Herbst 2025. That’s since the Gründe.
After the Christmas holidays, the Mitarbeiterinnen and Mitarbeiter der Post now have the labor-intensive Tage behind them. The background of the Wohler Post is a good plant. If you contact Riese, work around you at Filiale an der Aargauerstrasse 8, north of the Wohler Bahnhofs.
Die Post an der Aargauerstrasse in Wohlen dates back to Monaten’s Frühling period.
The post branch new functions will be modernized in May 2025. At this time you will see the Filiale in a Container-Provisorium directly in front of the post office in Aargauerstrasse. The knowledge can be found on the large Platz on the Treppe, which is located on the Busbahnhofs. “The postal service is also one of the ways in which the broadcaster and the desired address are used,” says Post-Mediensprecher Markus Werner.
I am aware of the post at the Bahnhof with the most Räumen wieder öffnen. “The Schalter became new from the gestaltet sein, also ohne runnings Sicherheitsglas zwischen the Postmitarbeitenden and der Kundschaft”, Werner says.
Rund 85 Quadratmeter meer Fläche für die Kundschaft
The combined effect of modernization of the branch is smaller. Dafür soll der Kundenbereich in Zukunft doubles so roughly. Aktuell hat dieser Bereich 80 Quadratmeter, ab Herbst sollen es rund 165 signal.
Can you reduce your size but still double it? No. A larger part of the Back Office, also on the Platz behind the Postschaltern, is being completed. Make sure you land on the post fachanage. Dort bears the Letterpost der Kundschaft, which is a Postfach besitzen. This mailman was now given the Rückseite des Gebäudes.
The Postfächer became a Rückseite des Gebäudes gezügelt.
The Fläche van de Backoffices is very popular with the Unternehmen. This 155 Quadratmeter was skillfully destroyed. It may be that this Fläche op internet zur Miete ausgeschrieben. Pro Quadratmeter requires the postal service to pay a shipping price of 240 Francs including shipping costs. We will also die for the entire year, more than 37’200 Francs will cost.
Insgesamt 18 Parkplätze stehen den Postbesucherinnen und Postbesucher sowie der Kundschaft des nieuw Geschäfts and der Aargauerstrasse zur Verfügung.
Retailer if you want to prevent a breach
The Räumlichkeiten can be genutzt als Gewerbefläche or Büro, so Postsprecher Markus Werner. “I don’t think we can think about a practice, a barbershop or an honest utility anymore,” Werner said. For the retail trade, there are a few small shops in Frage, which can offer small postal shops. With Denner, Coop and Migros there are some retail handlers who run a Bahnhof company.
Neben der Fläche der Postfiliale und dem Teil, der vermietet became soll, befindet sich noch Platz für die Zustellung. The Posters and Posters travel with their briefcases and parcels. Zudem is for self-service container positioning. Geschäftskunde can be done with a badge to carry out postage-free shipments in the available payments.
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