“I never played a game in New York, and I had no luck, nor did I have a day,” says the 34-year-old Norwegian.
Title defender Magnus Carlsen has appeared on the jeans, but now at the Blitzschach-WM. “Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn: We can have a good reason, who is dazu kam, aber ich spiele mindestens nor einen Tag in New York, and wenn ich gut absschneide, nor einen Tag danach,” the 34-year-old Norwegian said in an interview with Schach platform “Take Take Take” an. Tags are the great frustration of the complete Rückzug von dem Turnier angekündigt.
The war in the fight against the rules of the World Trade Associations for the leaders, to ban the slow ones of Jeans, has come to an end. The Schnellschachturnier was finished by Carlsen, the first 18-year-old Russian Wolodar Mursin was overwhelmed. I started with the big Blitz-WM. The Weltverband (FIDE) this number is one of the prosperous people who want to come. Man is happy with himself, “die Zusammenarbeit with Herrn Carlsen and der weltweiten Schachgemeinschaft fortzusetzen”, here is in a Mitteilung auf der Plattform
Financial penalty and ultimatum
Carlsen war zum Spieltag am Freitag in Jeans erschienen, was the Teilnehmern untersagt ist. After sweating the Tages party, Carlsen received a fine of 200 US dollars and an ultimatum, which is a lot of money. Carlsen dies during the run and is disqualified from the run. Carlsen has no qualms about telling more and traveling to woolen, “wo das Wetter ein bisschen besser ist as here”. Nun follows the Rückzug vom Rückzug. (APA/dpa)