The attention of New Orleans comes from the terrorist organization Islamic State (IS), which can be fearful. When the videos came out, while the man was now surprised by the Internet, US President Joe Biden said about the issue of the FBI’s federal police. In the Wagen, with the 42-year-old names Shamsud-Din J. de Anschlag, an IS flag would be financed. Once you are in the post of social networks, you can recognize Biden’s truth, that it goes “from a long time ago, to Töten”.
Täterwar US-Staatsburger
After the FBI joined the Anschlag, 15 people showed up and Dutzende was lost. Like concrete, the meat after the recognizable facts of the government in the Federal State of Texas, was born in the war between the US and the Citizen. It has been “years” in the US military and can no longer serve as a reservist. If the President of the US has received the recognition of the Ermittler, then the pick-up truck with the man in the Neujahrsmorgen in the war in New Orleans, so that the Fahrzeugs may be financed.
The Tatfahrzeug is seriously damaged at the Fahrt by the schmale Gasse. Photo: Gerald Herbert/AP/dpa
Investigate how Biden is heard, while the Tat in New Orleans in Zusammenhang looks up with the explosion of a Tesla Cybertrucks in front of the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas, while the old students are a person in the Fahrzeug a Leben kam and other leicht verlet wurden. Bisher loves Hinweise, Biden said. There is a general warning that you cannot see the problem. The ermittler can get a picture and a würden, it’s a great time, so Biden stays.
Las Vegas police have their own take on a hotel and ISIS explosion, with Sheriff Kevin McMahill at a concrete news conference. A parallel situation is that both diesel engines can be viewed on the website.
Tat met Feiernde in beliebtem Ausgehviertel
In the war in New Orleans, a pickup truck took place tomorrow morning on Neujahrsnacht during the heavy Passers-by in the suspected Ausgehviertel French Quarter. The police go to the zahlreichen Todesopfern auch 35 Verletzte – wobei die Zahl der Toten nach Angaben des sisters Gerichtsmediziners noch steigen könnte. It is more fun to show the Ermitttlern after the Fahrt a Schusswechsel with Polizisten. Both of them can be lost, but in a stable situation. Der Täter sei bei dem Gefecht is Leben komommen.
Am Mittag (Ortszeit) veröffentlichte the FBI then first Details zum possible Background of the Anschlags. If the IS flag is there, the attacks and attacks can be spread by the terrorist organization, while the years of decline are more Anschläge with Fahrzeugen in verschiedene Ländern for their relamiert hat. It was a while ago that the Sprengsätze could happen that this would happen.
US President Joe Biden said the offensive was inspired by the Islamic State group. Photo: Susan Walsh/AP/dpa
Ob der Täter Komplizen hatte, ist nor unclear. The Ermittler has given the American media reports a video recording with a suspicious group of four human messages. If things get mute, this Sprengsätze can be hit by a city quarter flatziert. You will see these messages as suspicious messages.
Biden und Scholz drücken Mitgefühl aus
Biden spoke to those affected by the terror in New Orleans in Mitgefühl mode. “If all goes well, if all Americans disperse, it may be that the words that have appeared in the morning from the people of New Orleans,” say Biden am Abend (Ortszeit) on his Landsitz at Camp David. There is a country that lives in gratitude for fear and sacrifice. “Wir sind an Ihrer Seite, während Sie in de kommenden Wochen trauern and während Sie heilen.”
Auch Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz responded to the best results at the Anschlag. “It is a shameful experience of New Orleans, that our lives are worthless: people who are happy have been living since their lives have been lost”, write Scholz on the Plattform Genesung.»