Locally in Bayern under Top 3, Gaststätte in Franconia under Top 60

Locally in Bayern under Top 3, Gaststätte in Franconia under Top 60

– In the regularly recurring collection of the “Taste Atlas” which presents the best dishes and drinks from the Globus. Now that the feinschmecker has been included in the list of legendary restaurants of the world, it is a Frankish local schafft hat.

Quickly 24,000 restaurants have been collected in the “Taste Atlas” database – from America, Europe to Asia and Australia. Nun hat die Website a list of legendary restaurants 2024/25 cannot be used.

Whether it be Pizza in Neapel, Pad Thai in Bangkok or Austern in Boston, the list includes all possible Esskulturen and Geschmäcker vertreten. The Top 100 of legendary restaurants includes three German restaurants – a davon in Nuremberg.

Munich occupies the world of Drritten Platz

Der Gesamtsieg became a “Figlmüller” in Wien, which was completed in 1905. The Family Nunternehmen is for everyone for a large Schnitzel can and can thus achieve the best possible platzierung.

In Neapel, in the Hauptstadt of Italian cuisine, you will find the place “L’Antica Pizzeria da Michele”. Die Pizzeria has a good reputation during the book and the sp tere Verfilmung “Eat Pray Love” and punktet with traditional Neapolitan Pizza.

If you take a local test in the Treppchen, this is the case in Germany in the Bayerischen Landeshauptstadt. The Münchner Hofbräuhaus was fully conceived in 1589 by Bayerischen Herzog Wilhelm V. gegründet en früher, the Bayerischen Hof with Beer his faith. Mittlerweile is the weltbekannt of the Hofbräuhaus and the “Taste Atlas” is not suitable as “the Wiege der Bavarian Wirtshauskultur.”

Nuremberg in the Top 60

The second German Vertreter der Lijst is located at 34. Platz. Das Restaurant “Früh am Dom” is located in the direkter Nachbarschaft zum Kölner Dom and can stay on their hungry stomachs for a longer time. “Früh am Dom” has its own Brauhauskeller and a buffet in the typical Brauhauskost line with Schweinebraten, Bratwürste and Rijnisch Sauerbraten.

Part of the instructions indicates that it is a Nuremberg Institute in the list. The “Bratwursthäusle” because in Nürnberg takes 700 years. It was gründet in 1312 as “Bratwurstglöcklein”, in the Zweiten Weltkrieg field the entire Luftangriffen was moved to Opfer in October 1944. First after the end of the war, the “Bratwursthäusle” was prepared in the current form.

If you like a Franconian snack and beer, the location for all Nürnberger Rostbratwürste vom Buchenholzgrill is available. Zum Jahreswechsel ends the last time of the brauerei – nach 60 Jahren.

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