WDR 2 New Film: Better Man – Filmtipp – Radio

WDR 2 New Film: Better Man – Filmtipp – Radio

Darum gehts

Robbie Williams was busy with his life: from one of his pop stars, in the English original version with his best shot.

Schon zu Schulzeiten folgt is with his father Fernsehshows in Fernsehen with entertainment with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. At the beginning of classroom development from an early age with small treatises, it is worth buying. Trotz fehlender Unterstützung des Vaters, der die Familie früh verlässt, um als Entertainer door Land zu tinteln. On May 15, Robbie was cast in a boy group and performed with the retort band “Take That” in Durchbruch. But Robbie will not receive the Disaster Light. There is lost the band, with own songs solokarriere zu machen. If there is a disturbance in the liquid, alcohol and dry substances will mix in a normal way. Join professional Hilfe in Robbie Williams as a Karriere and a besserer Mensch – a Better Man.

Darum geht’s wirklich

Robbie Williams was responsible for the film, while he: finds situations that condense, figures that are exciting. The film is not documentation. The representation of the content of the article is a matter of gewes, when it comes to films, there is Robbie in an interview.

They play with it

The main character of the Schimpanse Robbie is a hybrid of the Schauspieler Jonno Davies and one of the computer-controlled things. Director and book author Michael Gracey discussed the idea of ​​the art griff in conversation with Robbie Williams, who, as one of the books, has an affair with his life. Seine Bewegungen und Seine Mimik seine Hilfe seine den “Motion Capture Verfahrens” in die Film-Robbie-Film. So go to the Schimpanse menschlich – but weil die hellgrauen Augen wirklich die des Popstars since.

That’s Kinokritikerin Andrea Burtz

“Better Man – Die Robbie Williams Story” is a temperamental musical drama with many Robbie Williams Songs that have never been released before. When the action of the main characters is activated: clicking occurs automatically on the attack. After a few minutes of film that is one of the things that a person is clayed and Robbie Williams takes a fresh look. Director Michael Gracey presented the show of the American boy band Take That in recent years, making the singer dance out of the concert halls, a person on the street with his favorite pop music. If you watch Robbie’s Konzertszen, the real Konzertpublikum will be a waste.

Michael Gracey combines the balance between dramatic scenes and show moments. His creative creations and the Mitreißende music form the portrait of humorous entertainers, who can never be anything else when they enjoy their machines.

Die Bewertung op een Blick

Fünf von fünf Sternen

Music drama, US/Australia 2024

Director: Michael Gracey

Kinostart: 02.01.2025

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