Antelope corridor in Osnabrück: The most important information about concerts

Antelope corridor in Osnabrück: The most important information about concerts

With new art and new music, the Osnabrücker “Botschaft” starts the new year: Nachdem zum Jahresabschluss die Osnabrücker Band Hi!Spencer for sale Haus played here, is at 9. January now the Hip-Hop-Band Antelopen Gang an der Frankenstraße zu Gast.

Bis auf de Platz buy the concert of the Osnabrücker Band Hello! Spencer in December at the “Botschaft”.
Archive photo: Michael Gründel

Bis auf de Platz buy the concert of the Osnabrücker Band Hello! Spencer in December at the “Botschaft”. Maximize iconMaximize Lightbox Icon

SchliessenX ZeichenKleines Zeichen has an X symbol

In September 2024, the album “Alles muss repairs were” – perhaps a combination of Punk and Rap – will be released. Der Auftritt in der Friedensstadt ist zügleich der Auftakt ihrer „Everything must be repaired“-Tour 2025. The Einlass ist on Donnerstag, 9. January, from 6.30 PM. The concert started at 8 p.m.

Are there no tickets available for the Antelope Gang Tour in Osnabrück?

If the trios use a Koljah (Kolja Podkowik), Panik Panzer (Tobias Pongratz) and Bruder Danger Dan (Daniel Pongratz), they can get a Ticket-Provider Event of Karting: The price is for 42.55 Euro. Auch beim Veranstalter Zukunftsmusik sind noch Tickets for 39.30 Euro erhältlich.

Reading: Too full? Don’t hesitate to spend some time living in the “Botschaft” in Osnabrück

Nach Angaben des Veranstalters passengers knapp 1400 Menschen in die „Botschaft“, which first The Pforts will be open in November 2024 and find themselves in the eastern inner city of Osnabrücker Party-Kiez zwischen Damm- und Frankenstraße.

Would you like to visit Konzertparken?

On the website of the “Botschaft” you will find the website of the Hannoversche Straße of the BAB 30 or 33 on the map. At the Gelände company there is no longer any question of Parkplätzen for Cars, nor of the 250 Fahrradparkplätze and a larger Zahl and Stellplätzen for Lastenfahrräder. Now that you have few minutes from the Hauptbahnhof Osnabrück in the area, the “Botschaft” is also available in minutes. The next Bus Stopelle is “An der Petersburg” and finds its new meter from Gelände. Here you will find bus line 13.

Seeit November 2024 found in the “Botschaft” Veranstaltungen statt.
Archive photo: Michael Gründel

Seeit November 2024 found in the Maximize iconMaximize Lightbox Icon

SchliessenX ZeichenKleines Zeichen has an X symbol

If you travel by car, you can visit the Parkhaus on Theodor-Heuss-Platz (450 meters away). Go to the OPG Parkhaus Salzmarkt-Garage on Holtstraße (700 meters) and the Parkhaus Marienhospital and Niedersachsenstraße (500 meters) to the Verfügung. At the Baumarkt Tedox, the park leader is banned and the Veranstalter is rewarded with a sum of money.

Read here: Fünf Top-Konzerte 2025 in the Osnabrück region

Was dürfen Besucher mit in de Konzerthalle Nehmen?

An der “Hab und Gut” has created Annahmestelle who has passed the euro for the part of Jacken. If you want the Veranstalter to work with the standard arrangement, you can use: Deodorant and glass bottles are available in different ways. Small handbags and backpacks no larger than a DIN A4 sheet can be used in the Konzerthalle.

Interesting: Die „Botschaft“: Who changes the Konzerthalle die Stadt Osnabrück

Bereits geöffnet ist der kleine Getränkestand am Kopfende der Empore. When they are both larger, you will see a delicious taste in the different types of Haupttheken: Neben Bier, Wasser and Soft drinks can now buy a few Wein and classic Long drinks with Gin-Tonic, Whiskey-Cola or Vodka-Lemon. If there is a spontaneous upgrade, it hasn’t appeared on the map yet, it’s one of the larger main libraries that links to Kaffee links.

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