Der Tag: “Windly Type”: Michael Müller jokes about Elon Musk

Der Tag: “Windly Type”: Michael Müller jokes about Elon Musk

Der Tag
“Windy Type”: Michael Müller quips about Elon Musk

Der SPD Außenpolitiker Michael Müller hat after the young years of the event Tech billionaire Elon Musk There are stricter regulations in German domestic politics. “It is thus (…), that we are open to the eyes of a group of super-reichs with their own communication channels, which is completely independent of the regulation and that man is also subject to strict regulations,” says the former Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin in der Sendung “Frühstart” from RTL/ntv. Um auf solche Entwicklungen Einfluss zu nehmen, brauche is a “Other Gesetzgebung”.

The fact is that there is now a European Ebene geschehen könne. The first writing for the regulation of communication platforms is clean. More needs to be done. “There are a lot of stories and things that happen, they run out of people, they erase, they are here Boundaries, the unanswered sin.” Müller has Musk one “windy type”, the endings are more like political endings. “It is an Agieren who is a democratic Grundwerte and das inakzeptabel“, so the SPD politician.

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