Is Wladimir Putin seeking a conflict with NATO? Bundeswehr general sounds the alarm

Is Wladimir Putin seeking a conflict with NATO? Bundeswehr general sounds the alarm

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A general of the German Bundeswehr has walked his path through the military Aufrüstung of Russia under Moscow’s Autokrat Wladimir Putin.

Moscow – Who knows Moscow-Regime aus Russia I am Ukraine-Krieg with the fact that Droghgebards are NATO’s western military forces? Turnusmäßig show Kreml-Vertreter a willfährigen Außenminister Sergei Lawrow with Drohungen becomes the Verteidigungsallianz, the English language of the page Look steh.

Nach Provokationen Russia: Will Vladimir Putin remain a big Krieg with NATO?

This is what the Frage says: Was passionate about the United States in mind, from NATO to the American presidents Donald Trump (Republican Party), on January 20, 2025 in Washington, says the American newspaper? Trump hates wiederholt, die USA could be one of the NATO aussteigen. Or the Europäer more zur Kasse biten.

So otherwise: Würde Russland eine Attacke af des Militärbündnis wirklich car? Hybrid of the Kremls company is insulting, zum Beispiel against Tiefsee cable in the Ostsee. A Bundeswehr general warned about Russia’s Kriegsrenaissance against NATO. There was a signalman fisherman who had only been in Anspruch for a few years.

Is Wladimir Putin seeking a conflict with NATO? Bundeswehr general sounds the alarmInspiration for the Russian Rüstungsindustrie: Moscow Herrscher Wladimir Putin (left) in a Waffenfabrik. ©IMAGO/SNA

Rüstungsindustrie in Russia: Moskau kan Verluste in der Ukraine angeblich ausgleichen

“Russland is currently in the Low, the number of personnel and equipment is very high in the Ukraine-Krieg überzucompensieren”, statement Generalmajor Wolfgang Ohl on the Nachrichtenportal The Russians can produce more if they appear in Ukraine and create delight. “If this clause lasts longer (…) than in Russia 2029 in der Lage Sein, NATO will be deployed in large quantities. Woman is then that and who, a man who wants more punks, a hybrid and then frontal, that is to say,” said the 59-year-old Generalmajor of the Bundeswehr.

Ohl see a large extent of the Baltic Länder Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, NATO with an etwaigen Russian floodways and the most likely Bündnisverpflichtungen. “Ex-president (Dmitri, d. Red.) Medwedew spreads over Russian Baltic provinces – the Baltic Provinces. So it is that this is not a regional conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but another Dominostein in the other Putins, Russia in the vast majority of the Soviet Union. “The mice will never be gone again,” the statement from the Luftwaffen Officer stated.

The Kreml has not made military service a remarkably high priority from the years 2025 to 2027. Ihr Anteil am Staatshaushalt liegt some bald bei über 30 Prozent.

Unter Kreml-Autokrat Wladimir Putin: Russia has had a tremendous rest

Warning about Putin’s imperialism has fallen: In Georgien demonstrates how to explore Russia. More importantly: Putin reads Schüler auf mögliche Kriegseinsätze in Russia prepare. And: Bundeswehr-Oberst Axel Schneider, Kommandeur des Landeskommandos Schleswig-Holstein, hatte kürzlich gefordert, Bürgerinnen en Bürger in Deutschland op een mögliche military operations of Außen vorzubereiten. Live with a look at Russia.

“It is important that man is threatened with a serious fall, while Hilfe ends up and no longer goes to the state or the mayor,” says Schneider about Kieler Nachrichten. Is it wise to have reservations? “The Kreml hat für die Year 2025 bis 2027 de Militärausgaben nor eeninmal merklich erhöht. Ihr Anteil am Staatshaushalt liegt omit kaal bei über 30 Prozent“, erzählte zum Beispiel der Osteuropa-Experte Prof. Dr. Klaus Gestwa von IPPEN.MEDIA.

Camping vehicle of the Typs

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Expert on Moscow and Vladimir Putin: Russia is planning a violent Armee

“Damit has become the military-industrial complex of the military engine of the Russian Volkswirtschaft, which is also a part of it (möglichen, d. Red.) Waffenstillstand in Ukraine weiter auf Hochtouren laufen muss, damit sich die jeisteten Investitionen amortising and das BIP nicht massive einbricht“, meinte der Geschichtswissenschaftler der Universität Tübingen. And weiter: “An army with 1.5 million soldiers has started working and they have made ammunition available with the modern Waffen. The Kriegsjahre has abandoned the Russian army. These soles were quickly released.” (p.m)

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