“Feste & Freunde – Ein Hoch auf uns!”, “Better Man – Die Robbie Williams Story” and “Nosferatu – Der Untote”, a prominent remake of Friedrich Wilhelm Murnaus Gruselfilm-Klassiker: Das sind die Kino-Neustarts on January 2 .
A “Meisterwerk”, a “Meilenstein”, a “Klassiker der Horrorfilmgeschichte”: Wer über “Nosferatu – Eine Symphonie des Grauens” spicht, omne solche Umschreibungen kaum aus. And it is all legality. Lit by Bram Stoker’s Schauerroman “Dracula” slide Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau with a Stummfilm from 1922, their own Kultstoff started playing a transsilvanian “Vampyr”. Murnaus Nosferatu About the production of a horror icon and the inspiration for the film production – more information Robert Eggersder nun a new interpretation of the Geschichte präsentiert: “Nosferatu – Der Untote”.
Außerdem neu im Kino: de prominence besetzte Dramödie “Feste & Friend – Ein Hoch auf uns!” and “Better Man – Die Robbie Williams Story”, a biopic with the new Take-That-Star in Affengestalt.
Nosferatu – Der Untote
The standard new movie films are the classic classic purists and traditionalists playing with the augen roles. When the work begins, it is urgent to hear “Nosferatu – Eine Symphonie des Grauens”. A “Meisterwerk”, yes. If one of the many examples of horror frühwerk from 1922 is used, it becomes a bit of a suspenseful event. There are cases of teaching for the Sütterlin-Zwischentitle.
Werner Herzog can achieve the Kluft-zwischen Murnaus Werk und modern Sehgewohnheiten in the späten 70-ern, as his “Nosferatu”-Neuverfilmung mit Klaus Kinski drehte (“Phantom of the Night”, 1979). Director and author Robert Eggers (“The Witch”, “The Northman”) can be seen now, “Nosferatu” in Popcorn-Zeitalter zu hieve. With more modern film technology, with a larger Hollywood budget and with many stars. Bill Skarsgard (“Es”) sells Graf Orlok alias Nosferatu. In other cases Roll sin Lily-Rose Depp, William Dafoe, Nicholas Hoult, Aaron Taylor Johnson anyway Emma Corrin certifies.
Eggers recorded a few inhaltliche anpassungen for the “Paracelsianer” Professor Bulwer from 1922 and he took out Professor Albin Eberhart von Franz (Dafoe), and Ruth Harding was the jetzt of Anna (Corrin). I am the core of the spirit if I do not die, the man of Murnaus “Nosferatu” or of Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” knows: Der Vampir, dessen Schatten vom finsteren Transsilvanien bis weit in de zvilisierten West well, try to find the best young woman (Lily-Rose Depp). A source of pleasure gets “Untoter”, because everything that is accomplished will and does not appear to be aufzuhalten …
Party & Friend – Ein Hoch on us!
“It is important to know that people are happy, they are happy with their friends, and they live longer”: That is a good experience in the center of the world in “Feste & Friend – Ein Hoch auf us!” sein. Oder der here: “Seid euch wichtig, und zegt es euch.” Über eine Reihe von Parties – von Silvester bis High time – demonstrates that Dramödie, whoever has which gute Friend sin and who is to achieve life. Aber da, we will die the best Friend sin, can be a manchmal of the great Knatsch geben …
Mareike with his Adam, Maya and his Natalie, Max, Rolf, Dina, Sebastian and Ellen: they are all a team, a vertical clique, which is definitively white, who is the right man. You have the opportunity, in common with the Korken popping zu lassen, empfinden sie like big Gl ck. Allerdings, so really glücklich since they are nice to see but not. Maya zum Beispiel would be a nice person, her partner in Natalie lieber nicht. Mareike is a person who sees more of his Adam. And Ellen, the Erzählerin, is lost in jemanden, in her besser nicht lost sein sollte. Wehe, we’ll get used to that!
At “Feste & Friend – Ein Hoch auf us!” is in itself an adaptation of the dänischen Films “Long Story Short” (2015) by May el-Toukhy. The Drehbuch zur deutschen Version Verfasste Elena Senft, Regie führte David Dietl, der Sohn van Filmemacher-Legende Helmut Dietl. In the leading roles since other times Annette Frier, Laura Tonke, Nicholas Ofczarek and Ronald Zehrfeld so see.
Better man – die Robbie Williams Story
A film about the Werdegang von Robbie Williamsone of the great European Popstars of 30 years, with an Affen in the Hauptrolle. “Yes, geau, haha!” – Das Konzept sounds great after the Art Schnapsidee, that man spends his night in Pub ausdenkt and beim Ausnüchtern am nächsten Morgen sofort wieder verwirft. In the fall the Sache would penetrate. With a budget of $110 million. It is a wahnsinn, so often and long man who thinks about it. From the perspective of the Critic: truly brilliant.
Die Geschichte von Robbie Williamsthis Pop-Achterbahnfahrt with high and lows, where things might go wrong and is such a bekannt. The rise with the Boyband Take thatthe swinging road in the Solokarriere, Drying and Alcohol, schließlich der zweite Durchbruch with Hits wie “Let Me Entertain You” or “Angels”: That’s everything Director Michael Gracey (“The Greatest Showman”) nor one of Station zu Station door, nur dass der major star here not of irgendeinem Schauspieler Dargestellt Wird, a consequence of a consequence of a computer entstandenen CGI-Schimpansen. Robbie Williams stand von Begin a full hint of the project, which appears in the original filmfassung of films as erzähler. Letztlich is an idea that will make its way into “Better Man” when you see it.
With a look at your artistic self-image hat Williams Over time it is a matter of a feeling, of the lust of the masses. Fragmented by Gracey, while the level looks like this, the field can separate a few things (nachdem is one of the lowest possible risks). In the criticism, Kniff’s audacity from the “Besetzung” of “Better Man” is mentioned. Watch the film with many satirical elements that are one of the origins and show the best music biopics of the young Vergangenheit.