Fight with Wladimir Putin? Bundeswehr general warned about Russia

Fight with Wladimir Putin? Bundeswehr general warned about Russia

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A high-ranking Bundeswehr official has come up with ideas about Russia’s rise under Moscow’s Autokrat Wladimir Putin.

Berlin – Who seriously means that Moscow-Regime aus Russia I am Ukraine-Krieg with the Drohungen the transatlantic Verteidigungsallianz NATO? Let the Kreml-Zirkel see the will of the minister Sergei Lawrow Dry weapons come from the west of the military forces, badger Look with Waffen and Geldern unterstützt.

Moscow dreams of NATO: will Russia give Putin a war with the West?

Bleibt de Frage nach der Role der USA in NATO one of the best presidents Donald Trump (Republikaner), on January 20, 2025 before the American Amtszeit vereidigt wird. People hate the polarizing politics, the United States can take NATO under their responsibility. Or the most recent engagement for the European German herunterfahren.

Aber: Did those Russians dare an Angriff tatsächlich? We become bigger when more hybrid attacks occur, as is the case Ostsee-Unterwasserkabel between Balticum and Skandinavien? A Bundeswehr general who now, in his own right, is prepared to be a prisoner of war. And if you can no longer do an einschätzungen, you can’t do this.

Fight with Wladimir Putin? Bundeswehr general warned about RussiaInquire about a Russian Panzerbauer: the Moskauer Machthaber Wladimir Putin (Mi., Archiv photo). ©IMAGO/SNA

Gefahr durch Wladimir Putins Russia: Bundeswehr general warns endringlich

“Russia is currently at a disadvantage, with many personnel and equipment being overwhelmed by the Ukraine war,” stated General Major Wolfgang Ohl in an interview with The Russians have made a catch after the Kapazitäten, more of the production, if they are pro Tag in the Ukraine and lead to Verlusten. “If this clause lasts longer (…) than in Russia 2029 in der Lage Sein, NATO will be deployed in large quantities. Woman who is like that and who, a man and more punks, a hybrid and then head-on, that is to say,” said the 59-year-old general of the Luftwaffe in the battle.

With a look at the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and the borders of their Russian Federation and their associated relations with Belarus, my fellow German Luftwaffen Officer: “Ex-President (Dmitri, d. Red.) Medwedew spreads over Russian Baltic provinces – the Baltic Provinces. So it is, this is not a regional conflict here Russia versus Ukraineis one of the most common Dominostein in the Versuch Putins, Russia in the large size of the Soviet Union wiederherzustellen. If you want to see more, it won’t go away.”

Camping vehicle of the Typs

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Bedrohung by Russia under Wladimir Putin: Suwalki-Lücke gilded as the World Champion of Nato

Ohl is a Stellvertretender Abteilungsleiter Militärstrategie, Einsatz und Operationen im Bundesministerium der Verteidigung in Berlin. A bond has developed with the German armed forces and politics in the Hauptstadt. There is talk of the next role of the Suwalki-Lücke, one of the 65 kilometer long land corridor, from one of the Polish-Lithuanian Borders and from the Russian Exklave Kaliningrad to the Baltic Sea and the Kreml partner of Belarus. Please let me know dazu: „The heißt, the only connection of the NATO territories with the Balticum is the schmale Landstreifen of 65 Kilometers. It’s a Nadelöhr, the man will put in a lot of effort. We are convinced that this will be the responsibility of the three Baltic States.”

Warning about Russian imperialism is a small empire. Now a few Beispiele: In Georgian protests protest against schleichende rule in Moscowthe management in the caucasian country consists of several infusions. Putin’s regime is the worst in Russia Schüler für mögliche Kriegseinsätze training – zum Beispiel im Unterricht am Maschinengewehr. And: Bundeswehr-Oberst Axel Schneider, Kommandeur des Landeskommandos Schleswig-Holstein, warn you that the end ring, that the people in a possible concrete way militarische Bedrohung v Deutschland von Außen vorbereitet signal sollten.

Erklärtes Ziel des Kremls is an army with 1.5 million soldiers sold and those with modern Waffen taking ammunition from the stock.

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“It is important that man is threatened with a serious trap by a Hilfe who clarifies and no longer looks at the state or the mayor,” Schneider said in an interview with the Kieler Nachrichten. An Osteuropa-Historiker needs to be aware of the immense Russian Rustungsanstrengungen. “The Kreml hat für die Year 2025 bis 2027 de Militärausgaben noch eeninmal merklich erhöht. Ihr Anteil am Staatshaushalt liegt omit kaal bei über 30 Prozent“, explanation Prof. Dr. Klaus Gestwa IPPEN.MEDIA: “Damit ist der militärisch-industrielle Komplex zu dem Wachstumsmotor der Russian Volkswirtschaft become, der auch nach einem (möglichen, d. Red.) Waffenstillstand in Ukraine weiter auf Hochtouren laufen muss, damit sich die jeisteten Investitionen amortisingen and that BIP not massive einbricht.”

Erklärtes Ziel des Kremls are the Geschichtswissenschaftler and Moskau-Kenner of the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, an army with 1.5 million soldiers who have been founded and who have provided new ammunition with modern Waffen. The Kriegsjahre has abandoned the Russian army. These solen jetzt gezielt geschlossen were“. (p.m)

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