December Deals at Roboparts – Who wants the Angebote?
The online store Roboparts This means that they are the best Akkusauger, Saugroboter and more intelligent Haushaltshelfer offers.
Jetzt gibt is a better description for all fans of smart devices: home&smart teilt exclusiv een Rabattcode, met dem jeder Käufer 10% Rabat next time you order at Roboparts! That’s the opportunity, with smart cleaning equipment you will get the best price!
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We still have inspiration: im Next couples wir Top-rated I am active in the Roboparts vor range.
Prosenisch P13 Akkustaubsauger mit hoher Leistung
The Prosenic P13 Akkusauger is in this case: With one Saugleistung of 35,000 Pascal It is an extremely demanding device and that can be a big step good Akkulaufzeit von 45 Minuten. Mithilfe green LED screens ensure that the cleaning of the Vorschein causes an anti-contamination bürste for a small wartungsaufwand.
This top product actually costs 199 Euro, but is now reduced to 149.90 Euro. With our Rabattcode gibt is no less than 10 Prozent Rabatt – that is the power of an Aktionspreis von 134.91 euros!
UVP: 199 euros
Action prize: 134.91 euros
Rabat: 32 Prozent bzw. 64.09 Euros

Prosenic P13 Akkustaubsauger
35,000 Pascal Starker Akkusauger with LED-Scheinwerfer for 134.91 Euro with h&s-Aktionscode!
Zu Roboparts
Code: HS122024
Prosenic P11 Mopping Akkusauger with Wischfunktion
There are more functions in such a device, but P11 is certainly basic. Dieses Modell ist mit 35,000 Pascals no longer a leistungsfähig, one of the reasons why an abnehmable wish base with an integrated integration exists 340 Milliliter Washer Tank. So can the Sauger zur Trockensowie Nassreinigung were used. Mit der Akkulaufzeit of 50 minutes überbietet are the others Modelle sogar.
The P11 Mopping costs € 159,- UVP is reduced to € 139.90. With 10 Prozent Aktionscode a price of 13.99 Euro is paid – power over an Aktionspreis of 125.91 Euros!
UVP: 159 euros
Action prize: 125.91 Euro
Rabat: 21 Prozent bzw. 33.09 euros

Prosenic P11 Mopping
Akkusauger with abnehmbarer Wischbasis and 35,000 Pascal for 125.91 Euro with h&s-Aktionscode!
Zu Roboparts
Code: HS122024
Prosenic Q8 Max Saugroboter with Wischfunktion and Absaugstation
Of course it is possible to perform the Top-Saugroboter action! Der Prosenic Q8 Max is one of the best devices that offers another function: this is what you can do nice cards with No-Go Zones and non-visible walls became abspeichert. Ouch Cleaning plan there are no problems and grateful designs 250 Milliliter Wassertanks directly am Gerät and der 7 liter absorption station with self-evident knowledge 4,200 Pascals starke Gerät selten Wartung.
Nach UVP cost price for Saugroboter 299.90 Euro. Not with the discount on the price of 269 euros and the 10% discount code 242.10 euros übrig!
UVP: 299.90 Euro
Action prize: 242.10 Euro
Rabat: 19 Prozent bzw. 57.8 euros

Prosenic Q8 Max
Saug and Wisch roboter with 250 Milliliter Wassertank, 7-Liter Absaugstation and 4,200 Pascal for 242.10 Euro!
Zu Roboparts
Code: HS122024
Prosenic Q8 Saugroboter with Wischfunktion
The Q8 said that the functions on the Q8 Max and the steht ihm with one of the Saugleistung von 4,200 Pascals in no time. The wash tank itself is baugleich and the map of his pleasure is possible here. For the small prices Preis muss dafür viewed at the Absaug station became – this is one of the things that was a higher wartungsaufwand.
The small Bruder of the Q8 Max has a UVP of 249 euros and is reduced for 189 euros. View the promotional code in the operating system with a, the model does not yet cost 170.01 Euros! A price that is one of the Saugroboter with Wischfunktion is unusually powerful!
UVP: 249 euros
Action prize: 170.01 Euro
Rabat: 32 Prozent bzw. 78.99 Euros

Prosenic Q8
Nur 170.01 Euro bezahlen and Saug- and Wischroboter with 250 Milliliter Wassertank and 4,200 Pascal sichern!
Zu Roboparts
Code: HS122024
Prosenic F10 Pro Smart Nass-Trockensauger 3 in 1
This Gerät is mit of the 3-in-1 washing, scrubbing and sauteing function the ideal cleaning shelf for heart surfaces. The LED display, beam steering and self-aware function are useless design of 4.4 kilograms without weight. You have a Frisch and a Schmutzwasser tank anyway dies Self-cleaning function destroy the Wartungsaufwand and prevent the Bildung von Gerüchen. The function is that the device itself has a fixed trocknet – so it is a way to use the next einsatz!
For all the features, it is no wonder that the F10 Pro Smart costs 199 euros. The promotion has been reduced to a price of 189 euros. With a clear code of conduct, this is a favorable price 170.1 euros.
UVP: 249 euros
Action prize: 170.01 Euro
Rabat: 32 Prozent bzw. 78.99 euros

Prosenic F10 Pro Smart
Smarter and more user-friendly Nass and Trockensauger 3-in-1 with self-training from 170.01 Euro!
Zu Roboparts
Code: HS122024
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