Windows 11: It’s a tough task

Mit Windows 11 that Microsoft has the security concept to protect the operating systems. Coming up with the new idea: it was noticed that it became active by default. If Windows 11 has another function, it is not possible to do this. COMPUTER IMAGES are clear, you can find them and function.

Schutzfunktionen in Windows 11

Windows 11 setzt seit Start with the principle “Vertraue nietemem”. If all goes well, there are no apps or programs that work in such a way that it is no longer necessary. This configuration started Windows 11: Select this Trusted Pslat shape MOdule (TPM) can work with Secure Boot and UEFI, if Windows starts now, if manipulation is no longer possible. TPM is a sister chip, which has the best cryptography technology, with Betriebssystem and Firmware to its name, always was.

Damit prevents Microsoft with Beispiel, which starts Malware for Windows and blocks Schutzfunktionen. That’s not all, Windows 11 was so much more powerful. See more features with Windows Hello, virtualization-based security and hypervisor-protected code integrity are the basics of Windows 11. Was genau dahintersteckt, lesen Sie unten.

Windows-11-Sicherheit: Microsoft’s Strategy Wechsel

Microsoft has released the security concept of Windows with the Autumn 2022 22H2 update conceived and devised a new direction: Zwar bot schon Windows 10 There are many Security functions, but the Betriebssystem is one of the Nutzers, which are active and simply set up – a personal recommendation for the Themen Security, Leistung and Comfort. “There has become a real Kehrtwendung in this philosophy,” says David Weston, Microsoft’s Vize president of Enterprise and Betriebssystem-Sicherheit.

Microsoft has now received financial resources, while the users of these functions can use their common sense and use many Microsoft statistics to achieve optimal settings. Basis for the new strategy that Microsoft integrates with the new functions “Smart App Control”, a blacklist for treiber and a brute force protection in Windows 11. COMPUTER IMAGES no longer work.

Windows Hello: Sicheres Anmelden

Windows Hello These are the parts of Windows 10 and come if you are a einsatz, if it is good, if you make a report – on Windows. The function of a fast biometric display with fingerprints or an overview is suitable for special hardware. The Anforderungen are law, a herkömmliche Webcam-reicht does not apply to the Gesichtserkennung. Windows Hello is better than the Drittanbieter notifications so that you can no longer work. Wer Windows Hallo nutzt, erhöht deutlich den Schutz for unbefugten Zugriffen.

Schutz through virtualization

Windows 11 utility Virtualizationbased Ssecurity (VBS). It is a function used by Microsoft to run processes and programs with their own Betriebssystem trend. The launch of a virtualization and an easy way to support and manipulate Windows itself. It prevents the spoiling of the Ausnutzen, a Sicherheitslücken and the schließt veld Angriffsvektoren.

Schutz for the Windows Kernel

The “Hypervisor-protected Code Integrity (HVCI)” feature installs a program code into a virtual core system kernel (kernel), which makes the code lukewarm, certain and important, before being displayed in the real Windows kernel. There is a malware protection at the kernel base.

Microsoft Defender as Malware Protection

Since Microsoft Defender does not have a new version in Windows 11, it can no longer be placed in the system integration and the first step for attacking malware. The defender schützt black not as good as the best Virenschuz-Kaufprogramma, can be one of the duration of the annehmbaren Grundschutz. If there is a proprietary program, nor the Schutz and the Zusatzfunktionen, the Defender can generate an antivirus software. It will be automatically disabled if you perform a software installation.

Smart app control: KI-Virenschutz

A completely new function is “Smart App Control”. It is a new Schutz, the program for starting in the Microsoft Cloud management. Mithilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz checks the function, with the vertrauenswürdig program. If so, it will be turned out. Supporting the service is a big or powerful solution, blocking it is the start. It is not possible for any of the following to happen, and separate the digital signature from a program. Nur if you start, you can start. When it blocks Windows 11, it causes malware and a PUP (“potent unerwünschte Program”) – even if this is not possible.

If you find the Smart App Control, you will be reimbursed Start click, Smart app end tips and Smart app control auswählen. If you see the feature, it is not active at night. If all goes well, there is a function that is not working, but Windows needs to be reinstalled. Danach is automatically activated. The fact is that there are some Entwicklerinnen and Entwickler, who often get the opportunity to go on the road.

Blacklist for exploitable Treiber

Another newcomer is the blacklist for verwundbare treiber. This is the Microsoft Defender with a function that allows blocking schädlicher Treiber. After Microsoft promoted Microsoft’s “blacklist”, wenn

  • The intention is that the switch takes place, while the fear of the long duration of the right missbrauchen-könnten,
  • it is possible to remove the malware or remove or remove the signature of malware
  • The Treiber das Windows-Sicherheitssystem umgeht and es Angreifern dadurch easily, erhte Rechte zu erlangen.

This new security protection creates a number of security towers for cybercriminals. With the function it can’t even be like that Problem. Only if it is a shame will the blacklist contain more Schutz.

Verbesserter Brute-Force-Schutz

Windows 11 has enabled a Zwei-Sekunden-Pause feature that can be connected to the network. If all goes well, the network is simple and while trying out the data it may take longer to use the German language. Before war it is possible that 90,000 Passwords will be released in five minutes. You are welcome to add more than 50 Stunden. This one is broken Brute-Force-Schutz power es Hackern is practically no longer possible, Zugangsdaten zu hacken. Mit der neuen app Windows-Sicherung – not zu wechseln mit Windows backup – Microsoft can increase date certainty when displaying the screen on new PCs. If you want to use a new PC on Microsoft OneDrive, you can make a large backup and do everything so that it is not necessary. 5 gigabytes of free cloud storage are available for online backup. Wer more braucht, come with it all Microsoft-365-Abo. Falls Sie Ihre personal Dateien nicht in OneDrive sichern möchten, strandten Sie den Ratgeber “Windows version: OneDrive format disabled“.

BitLocker Verschlüsselung

Nutzerinnen and Nutzer from Windows 11 Pro are the Festplatte with the BitLocker-Verschlüsselung ab. The fact is that your data is sufficient for safekeeping, even if you have a personal computer. When the BitLocker version opens the complete version of the program and releases the dates now with the appropriate Windows notification. When it functions properly, Microsoft works in one go Support Article. In September, Microsoft’s 24H2 update will roll out the BitLocker version. This is a standard active activity and the Anforderungen can be conducted in German. If you are a Windows 11 Home user, it is available. The issues now work with new PCs and new installations. If you no longer use BitLocker, make sure that Windows is no longer installed. If the Verschlüsselung will not be successful, the support article may be deleted.

Windows 11

Windows-11-Lizenz for 14.90 Euro

Sichern Sie ich einen Lizenzlüssel für Windows 11 at Lizensio – for 14.90 to 145 Euro (Home) or up to 259 Euro (Pro). Save up to 94 percent off UVP prices!

Who Microsoft itself explainsWindows 11 offers extra protection for Keyloggern. The functionality is a natural part of Microsoft Defender or the installed Schutz program. If you prevent SmartScreen, your Schad software will reload and neither will Keylogger. With Secure Boot, Trusted Boot and Measured Boot you are waiting for the program from Microsoft, which can be used for Windows or for Windows boot. So if you want to use a Keylogger, you can use this one.

Is Windows 11 more secure?

With all the new features and security features of Windows 11, German becomes clearer as they are prepared. Unfehlbar ist der Schutz trotzdem nicht. Hacker and Malware-Entwickler have become it, while the Abwehr is coming, this could be more. If you make more Schutz holes, you will have to use the programs on the PC. Major antivirus programs as a rule fall under the security features, with a password that you can use, anonymous surfing, your child protection or special folder with sister body protection protection. See more Schutzfunktionen who think this free security tools.

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