Dieser Platz, architectural design after three days with Museum, Opera and Church abgeschlossen, there were a beautiful Ort in every other city. Couples and passers-by went here for a stroll, enjoy cafés and Restaurantsman hatte Gründe zum Verweilen. Enter Theaterplatz Chemnitz is that Gegenteil Davon. There is a problem, an innocence has arisen. Socialist city planning after allied bomb hail.
The Zentrum is now in the first place and the trotzdem is the most humanistic on the Theaterplatz. When the tourists ignore and the ghosts of a woman disappear. It was not noticeable that the four-track Brückenstraße, then the Karl-Marx-Kopf, was the undisputed three-way Nischel, and then Schluss. With their dahinter lie Theaterplatz power jedenfalls kaum jemand Selfies.
I am in August, four weeks before the Landtagswahlen in Saxony, stand of the frühere Selfieminister Christian Lindner on Theaterplatz. If you turn into the Operanhaus before passing through Dutzend Menschen, you will definitely find what you want here. Lindner spoke about “large and unencumbered chances” in favor of FDP Saxony. “Yes,” said one, “the beginning of the Wahlkampfs has become one of the fragments and has not continued with further development.” The end of the Wahlkampfs landed the FDP as one of the prosents.
Neulich, where the ballet is directed, is still a struggle, setzte ich mich auf a Bank Swiss Museum, Oper and Kirche, der Theaterplatz will be a verlassene filmkulisse. The old war has not yet begun, but the new war has not yet begun. In dieser Zwischenzeit man thinks yes manchmal and die seltsamsten Dinge. I thought of Lindner’s Worte: „Große und ungenutzte Chancen“, „Anlass zu Vervollkommnung“. A force of a Geräusch, a Lachen was wolllte, aber auf halber Strecke de Mut lost.
When we know nothing, Christian Lindner takes an optimistic look. If you can buy this kitchen, then all is well, whether the best is bad or a bad world. In these Stimmungsblues-gefangen, I am using the Smartphone with the Hand, but here there are no Erfreuliches and there are few Erbauches. In the Hoffnung on Hoffnung we google “Christian Lindner” and this message: “Nach Versuch, wie Milei zu posieren: Lindner mit Kettensägenverletzungen ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert”. The Postillon war is more tender.
From B nach C, Ostbesuch, 263 kilometersPajović/Amini/Berliner Zeitung
And then, that was it, it would last longer if I wanted it to. I have selected “Einstellungen”, drückte de Menüpunkt “Bedienungshilfen”, wählte “Anzeige & Textgröße”, schaltetete in der Option “Farbfilter” de “Graustufen” ein. My Smartphone was jetzt im Schwarz-Weiß-Mode. There is an effective effect on the nutzungsverhalten, whatever it is. Less time, less stress, more time for the photo on the display edge. It works gently.
If your smartphone is in the hose, near the theater squares, one of the own Achse and sah zum ersten drehte michte a written text in the museum entrance, one is in the Chemnitz-born Brücke-Malers Karl Schmidt-Rottluff: „Jeder Gedankt , der heute nicht Frieden heisst, ist Verbrechen.” Gerne hätte ich with jemandem darüber spoken. Aber es war no one da.
In the Column “Ostbesuch” message Paul Linked all two days of living in Chemnitz and surrounding areas. Saxony is bad? Of roads!