Luxury for: Caviar smartphone for US$100,000

Luxury for: Caviar smartphone for US0,000

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Luxury for: Caviar smartphone for US$100,000



Caviar hat for a smartphone for 100,000 US dollars with gold and diamonds. Der Kunde comes from the US.

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Caviar has been trading and producing high-end smartphones with exclusive materials such as gold, diamonds, natural leather and other meteorites since 2011. This is how you can encourage the lending of Unternehmens „Solarius Zenith“, an iPhone 11 Pro, in 2019 for a price of US$100,000 wurde.

Jetzt hat Caviar ein Huawei Mate XT Ultimate on Anfrage eines Kunden angefertigt. Diessen Double-sided Handy Wurde With a Case Made of 18 Karat Gold Vershen And Holds a Kilogramm. This smartphone can be used for a world trip in the USA and was never found on the world website again. The price is more than 100,000 US dollars.


Caviar smartphones: was everything possible?

Gold and diamonds: Caviar power Huawei Mate XT Ultimate zum Kunstwerk

Gold and diamonds: Caviar power Huawei Mate XT Ultimate zum Kunstwerk Getty Images/VCG

Caviar can be used as one of the most likely problems in the material of individual refinement on smartphones. So the luxury, the largest number of devices, the standard herkömmliche smartphones are becoming bigger and bigger.

Das Unternehmen sieht seine Mission darin, “a connection between technological innovation and Schmuckkunst“Restore and continue”fascinating Ästhetik“Would like to buy. I started delivery in April 2022 in two own standards: Caviar Russia and Caviar International with Sitz in Dubai. Let’s see more about the Russian market.

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