In jeans: Carlsen triffs at Blitzschach-WM on Niemann – Sport

In jeans: Carlsen triffs at Blitzschach-WM on Niemann – Sport

After Magnus Carlsen only one at the Blitzschach-WM. The Viertelfinal trifft is now a fact with the Vorgeschichte.

New York (dpa) – Title defender Magnus Carlsen hats after his jeans broadcast and a dash for the leaders of the four-count final of the Blitzschach-WM erreicht. “It’s a good idea, but it’s a nerve-wracking war, Harter Tag,” Carlsen no longer says. The power of 34 years is another Norwegian way of playing and playing in jeans. «There is a good tag for Schach», said Carlsen in the Anschluss in an interview on the Schach platform «Take Take Take».

Duell with Niemann

Dem Weltverband Fide now dries some Ungemach. The four-count final between Carlsen and Hans Niemann will take place, with a big stretch ahead of them. Carlsen already used the Mittlerweile in America 21 years ago. A long investigation and a lawsuit followed, which raged for a year. “Of course it’s not my love,” Carlsen told “Take Take Take.”

Streit um Kleiderordnung

Carlsen hatte am Freitag das Schnellschach-Turnier in Jeans bestwritten, was the Teilnehmern untersagt war. After the Norwegian party earned a monetary penalty of 200 US dollars and an ultimatum, it was an ultimate amount. Carlsen defended himself and was disqualified.

The song is one of those prosperous things that no longer matter. The Schnellschach-Turnier war was started by Carlsen, the first of which was defeated 18 years later by the Russian Wolodar Mursin.

Weltverband at Kleiderordnung is flexible

An erneute Strafe hat Carlsen would no longer work, the Official soles at the Kleiderwahl laut des Weltverbands Fide are no longer all that strong. “The official clothing leadership is after a while, an elegant little change (could make an insondere of a suitable pair of jeans) is erlaubt”, teilte der Verband mit.

The Blitzschach-WM is a newcomer in New York. The Russian Daniil Dubow erschien nicht zu seinem Match gegen Niemann en word so seine Chance, die Endrunde zu erreichen. There’s a problem with Zimmer having a problem.

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