At 120 Flüchtlinge the Gemeinde Rastede can be bare and a central station accommodation. A container was placed on the “Dorf Edewecht”. The Bauarbeiten are launched.
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Rastede – Living space for evacuated people: An area for the construction of two containers is ready for the preparation of work for the construction of two containers. These tribes from “Dorf Edewecht”, where you cannot go to Einsatz kamen. I am “Dorf Edewecht” sollten ursprünglich bis zu 500 Flüchtlinge aus der Ukraine liben. The Internal Ministry made a mistake in adulterating Ukrainian soft drinks. For 650,000 Euro the Gemeinde bought Rastede in der Folge zwei der Anlagen, a day at 120 Flüchtlinge unterzubringen. There is a great distance between the two snakes in the Gemeinde Rastede, and the Schutzsuchende was not discussed.
I am a Gewerbegebiet
The Grundstück in the Tannenkrugstraße is located in the Gewerbe area, which includes an Autolakkierei, nebenan stehen a “Schlichtbauten”, in the Gemeinde Wohnungslose unterbringt, in rückwärtigen Area lie about a Gewässer and a Garagenpark. Before the container is sold, it is no longer a problem to use the gel. Make sure the angels and the ground are used. After all, Anschlüsse für Strom und Wasser were restored. On the territory of the region, the government of Betriebsamkeit, Bagger, Radlader and Planierraupen in Einsatz is ended.

Zuwege und Leitungen: Anschlüsse für Strom und Wasser müssen auf dem Grundstück were restored.
2015 has made the Gemeinde Rastede a little smaller, the container anlage has been left in the Flüchtlinge. Seinerzeit war dafür part of the ehemaligen Sportplatzes Kleibrok be enjoyed. 30 people were transported there. After two years of execution, the anlage would have decreased. From 2023 onwards, the community will be able to complete the Turnhalle on Wilhelmstraße.