Steffi Brungs and Chris Wackert act as moderator duo at the first German premiere of the Netflix show “Love Is Blind”. I have been a trauma couple during the GALA interview, which is a hint at the Kulissen of the Show and the Ehelebens who pretend to be the most exciting würden themselves.
New Jahr, new Liebesglück? The results are 30 German Singles, which start from 3. January 2025 at “Love is Blind Germany” ihr appropriate measures such as this. The show has been an international performance a year ago and is now in the Deutschland Premiere. That’s special: Those Singles are now busy in another life through intensive conversations, otherwise they will continue to live. If the “Pods” (the Gesprächskabinen der Singles) have a large amount of money, then you can last a few hours and test the Zusammenleben, before autumn is the best for the Traualtar.
Mit von der Partie? Moderator duo Steffi Brungs and Christian Wackert! The trauma couple starts the singles on their journey and how the GALA is in the exclusive Vorab interview, who notices the three experiences and it was a problem that couple about the herausforderungen of his thinking.
Steffi Brungs and Chris Wackert: So think about die Liebe, das Leben and “Love Is Blind Germany”
GALA: Who is the war that is the first time the room is zu stehen?
Chris Wackert: Of course we would have made progress, but we wouldn’t have had such a bad Arbeitsweisen. More than that, we were still there after the Casting. The first time the hat is flipped directly. Danach were both a pleasure and neither of them even had a project problem.
Steffi Brungs: We have thought that its function is focused and that we have a Menge Spa, or that it ultimately ends up in an Ehekrise (laughs). Then we will have more insight into it, we will notice that we will have a better view of the camera. It can be private Fans of the format. Once you know how you’re doing, the war is witzig. I’m still not happy, if this gold Becher had an idea “So it became a souvenir as a souvenir.”
Steffi Brungs and Chris Wackert-Brungs are a set of “Love Is Blind Germany”
© Netflix
The meaning of “Love is Blind” is that the couple no longer meets, but it is the best autumn autumn. Could it be that the Zeit is nachhaltig?
Chris Wackert: Eine Ehe is a first basic art and great art. A bindet and a connecting piece. So quickly, don’t worry. Man thinks he has another problem and can solve the best problem and the distance can be greater.
Steffi Brungs: I see it as a company that has enormous size. And if it is just a matter, then it is worth it if man uses a different binding agent and never reduces its severity. I have a high response to our singles. Once I know for sure, it will be fun to conduct the experiment.
How about for once the show was thanked for the “Ehe” theme?
Chris Wackert: Grundsätzlich was with a schon der ansicht, that is a niece not romantic and toll, but would like to work. Ich glaube, de Entromantisieren von Ehe is extremely healthy. This base will last the year, but we will wollen the pairs: “Gebt is not so comfortable, but it is more like a marathon. It is a marathon, not a sprint.”
Steffi Brungs: I’m happy, that’s the way I look at the show. All the sisters who have been sisters for the past six years. It is one of the ways you can sail. And it has never been like this. We are happy with the moment, in our stories we must say: “We are happy with everything.” It’s a bit balanced. I am happy, we will continue to live well. It’s so nice when it takes longer for the man to start: the first time he gets older or a date that isn’t on the bottom becomes a lot easier.
“If you no longer want to know what happened, then you will first focus on the problem”
The show involves three significant hours for the couple: the enjoyment, the leisure time and the long-term planning. Was Davon the greatest herausforderung?
Chris Wackert: Weil is one of the own people we know: der Alltag. One of the best results you can find when you visit the Kennenlernen is the greatest herausforderung. In the “Pods” you have an unglazed, intensive time and a fully composed konzentriert on the gegenüber and then it is after house and things who work, family, friendship, social media return everything in a certain normality.
Steffi Brungs: The separation is nice, it was passive, when it absorbed a few things and settled into reality. If you are looking for a hint for an Alltag, it is not possible to be compatible. Man must make a judicial judgment, otherwise he must reason. And that is idiosyncratic, it was quite a task, the singles from Anfang a tun. On the other hand, we will get into the Alltag, but we will never warm up again. If you no longer communicate, you will first focus on the problem.
Who is separated from “Love is Blind Germany” from the international formats?
Chris Wackert: The setting is natural in nature. The great Unterschied is sicherlich, that is typically German. If you want to know something, it is best to talk to each other. If you are busy for a longer period of time, there is an “I love it” zu sagen.
Steffi Brungs: In Germany an einfach is a gesellschaft, the “Multikulti” is, the power is exciting, when the culture and religion change. And yes, the German mentality is more sane and has an “I love you” that is more observant. Want to know if the Frage is now, will you?
“Love Is Blind Germany”: Weniger Oberflächlichkeit and more Gespräche
There is a boost to reality TV satellite in the letzten months. Does “Love Is Blind” bring the new kick?
Chris Wackert: If the Show has started with the aim of time, while it is Gefühl, this is an excess of the formats, which in the first line on Krawall or Darauf, nackte Haut zu sehen, ausgelegt sind. “Love is Blind” brings an unparalleled quality of conversations and the things that come with them. I think, that’s the Germans, thanks Annehmen.
Steffi Brungs: The format establishes a number of things that are in the foreground. If we want to choose an option, it is more a matter of interplay. Even if you are looking for a way out of the oberflächlichen kunst, in die nicht nur Dating-Formaat, dating in the whole would be possible.
What property rights can other jewels in the show have a finger at?
Chris Wackert: Wenn Steffi saves, has the feeling that it is Gefühl, that it is a good time, that it is so beautiful. And once the thing is set in, it’s a whiter person. I have a man for all the humor and if a woman is here and one of the few things that takes off.
Steffi Brungs: It is a very complicated manchmaal komplett from the Zusammenhang-gerissener Blödsinn, the mirror in the Kopf-schießt and I can’t even describe it, was in my Kopf-passion. Aber Chris thinks Mal is onto a thing. If I go straight to work, it is a tool of power. Von Anfang and an incomprehensible thought that is in the Gefühl will deteriorate at the level. In the Show it would be that the splash fell into the “Pods”.
Were you the Drama Magnet on the Show?
Chris Wackert: Definitely Steffi. There is a potential candidate for a Love Triangle!
Steffi Bruns: (laugh) I have a natural view of the direction.