Resident in disbelief after witnessing scandalous behavior of a truck-driving neighbor: ‘It’s so annoying’

Resident in disbelief after witnessing scandalous behavior of a truck-driving neighbor: ‘It’s so annoying’

In a choice that was not only baffling but deeply infuriating, one person’s neighbor left a diesel truck idling in his driveway for several hours.

The person snapped photo and wrote about the incident in the subreddit r/slightly annoying. “This diesel truck has been driving in my neighbors driveway for more than 2.5 hours,” they said. “My elderly neighbor’s son came to visit today. This loud diesel truck was in their driveway from before 4:00 PM until after 6:30 PM.”

"My neighbor does this too."Photo credit: Reddit

Commentators were stunned. “Do these types of people want their cars stolen?” An asked.

“It gels at freezing temperatures, but most winter mixes contain an anti-gel to prevent that,” says another explained. “Diesel guys think you have to warm up the engine and get the turbo hot, but that’s not the case.”

To deal with the frustrating situation, one commenter suggested file a noise complaint.

“In my situation, if you leave your vehicle unattended and the police have to be called to check it, you could receive a $250 fine,” said another. said.

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There are good reasons for these punishments. According to research According to the University of California, an idling heavy-duty diesel truck can emit ten times more toxic nitrogen oxides than a passenger car. This leads to significant air pollution and health consequences for anyone exposed to idling trucks over time.

“That’s what diesels are designed for,” says one said sarcastic. “Stationary.”

Another agreed, calling it “a lot of useless pollution.”

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In general, diesel vehicles are a major contributor to air pollution and global warming. With the increased emissions of oxides such as NO2 and CO2, the atmosphere traps more heat in what is known as the greenhouse effect. This warming of the entire planet also affects weather patterns, making the consequences more severe storms and droughts.

To reduce this pollution and secure a more stable and resilient future, many people – including companies – Are to change gear too far less polluting electric vehicles. To go one step further, many want to integrate more public transport, misuseand walk into their transit.

Despite the negative health and the effects of pollution, idling for no apparent reason remains a surprisingly common practice.

“My neighbor does this too,” someone says said. “It’s so annoying.”

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