Nordhausen (dpa/th) – Since three years ago, a child has been lost. A car driver who leaves the Spur canal in a bend of the Orten Hohenstein-Holbach and Werther-Günzerode and enters the data traffic, teilte the Police with. If you buy a vehicle, it is a good idea to become an autofahrer.
Das Auto, in the form of women and men, can still earn their money, while the Leitplank is schleudert and landed in the suit. Mumble and kind of seeing a car manufacturer and designing cars before it can happen. All four suffered serious injuries in Krankenhäuser. One of the two Hunde sei bei dem Unfall is geötet be tet. It’s good to leave.
Follow the filter for a longer barrier on the B243
The B243 works after using more stops. The fact is that the Mitteilung is a new Unfall. There are Lastwagens hanging in the Straßengraben. Dad will soon be blocked again. After eight hours, the Bundesstraße will be free.
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