Bekannte Schauspieler, Sänger und Autoren kommen treten offenbar gern in Wandlitz auf. The program for the year 2025 is one of the best results you can find. Wer everything with dabei ist.
December 29, 2024 at 12:00 noonWandlitz

Wladimir Kaminer has worked with his bestsellers “Mein Leben im Schrebergarten” and “Russendisko”. Nun comes to the Kulturbühne “Goldener Löwe” in Wandlitz.
Florian Schuh/dpa
“Wir since leader schon ausgebucht”, war one of the satze, the Inna Hauke and Mike Schmidt of Goldenen Löwen in the vergangen Monaten should more and more. If you use the bedauern for your money, the small card will provide more for the cultural renewal, over rocking from the Freude over the ausverkaufte Haus. There is no war that will make the Nachfrage in Goldenen Lowen so high in 2024. A better way to cope with the consequences, with a better program than any other approach to the progress of the Wandlitzer.
“If you have forked out the followers of our Instagram accounts, you will be able to see their display. That was a whole new life,” says Inna Hauke, Leiterin der Kulturbühne. The user may have adopted plans for new programs for 2025.
Culture in Wandlitz: Neujahrskonzert with the Kleinstinfonikern
The most recent version of the golden low power calendar is Neujahrskonzert am Sonntag, January 12, with den Wandlitzer Kleinstsinfonikern under the musical guidance of Walter Thomas Heyn. After the experience with a Strauss-Walzer presentation of the fun music players with full melodies and swing classics, the twenties have appeared at the highest time of the year.
Wiedersehen with author Wladimir Kaminer in Wandlitz
A wiedersehen-gibt is used with publikumsliebling Wladimir Kamineron October 11th at the Kulturbühne. There is a treasure Wandlitz and its publikum en wird with unconventional Frisian gewohnt charming to erase.
True Crime with Stephan Lucas in the cultural wandlitz
Another highlight is the Auftritt von Stephen Lucas see, one of the best criminal defense forces in Germany. In the show „Täter und Opfer“, True Crime Live on Stage will be presented on May 23 and answers will be given to the fragments, how you can devise a certain strategy, can be a man who schützt.
“Künstliche Idioten” with Martin Gottschild and Sven van Thom
Fantastic and “other deaf” would hinge on the show “KI – Künstliche Idioten” by Martin “Gotti” Gottschild and Sven van Thom. After a while Pause when you press the button and another new film presents Film “TRAM – Wasch’ Dir Form Sterben nochmal die Hände!”
Satirischer Jahresrückblick with Florian Schröder
Bitter, lustful and small Sekunde is not always like that Florian Schröders satirischem Jahresrückblick „Schluss jetzt“ am 22. November zu. There is analysis, reaction and parody – from big politics to the little things of the Alltags.

Kabarettist Florian Schroeder will experience Wandlitz in November.
Arne Dedert/dpa
Dr. Pop – der Fachmann for music
A Jahresrückblick of all others who love art Dr. Pop am 5. December. In some cases, live shows are the musical highlights and the years of time. Sein Wissen über die Musikwelt is enormous, seine Shows are legendary. The perfect comedy and science show for everything, including music. The combination of Komik and Magic can be one of the things that is so good Christian de la Motte. With the program “Realität kann jeder” the Magic Artists are presented with an astonishing interpretation of high-quality Magic Art and more spontaneous comedy (September 27).
Ganz shows Inna Hauke and Mike Schmidt their musical acts in a new year. IC Falkenberg (29. März) wird sein neues Album „Komm an Land“ performs, aber also alten Stücke performen. Mit The money bags A band will appear in the Low Countries on November 8, the sound of American country legend Johnny Cash will be performed and as a Christmas concert on November 20. E-Geigerin Nora Kudrjawizki with ihrem One violin orchestra begeistern.

IC Falkenberg presents itself in Wandlitz in the album “Komm an Land”.
Wandlitz: Was Kindern im „Goldenen Löwen“ born
For the young people, that’s what the golden hat men are Puppet theater “Puppenpalast Henne” (13. März) finally loaded, the Märchen “Rumpelstilzchen” with nostalgic Holzhandpuppen was said. A children’s music show with the love of the children’s band of Pia and Nino (title: Pia-Nino-Team), that’s on April 6. Children in Kita- and Grundschulalter zum Mitsingen and Tanzen animieren wird. Ouch die Schuler disco in 2025 wieder in Kooperation mit der Jugendkooordinatie der Gemeinde Wandlitz en drei Terminen stattfinden, ebenso das Family Film Fest (November 15). Auch auf die both Variants des Kunstmarktes – indoor and outdoor – dürfen sich die Wandlitzer in 2025.
Disco for Erwachsene in Wandlitz – Tanztee for Seniors
Believe it Disco Veranstaltungen for erwachsene can self-understand in the best way. It is more a term for the credible parties under different mottos.
Ebenso bleibt der Tanztee with Kaffee, Kuchen and Music by DJ-Pult are files of programs. “The Atmosphere, which both recreates the Tanztees, is one-time and it is a true Freude, the Tanzern zuzuschauen,” thus Inna Hauke. Wer is new, who is Tanztee, can take photos and videos of the display on the culture’s Instagram account ( anschauen.
Culture in Wandlitz: Kino in Löwen and Kino am See
Zusätzlich zu den Löwen filmsonce you get into the statistics, this year is a new high for cinema: Kino ben See. Here you will find yourself seeing the traumatic Kulisse des Wandlitzer freuen in July and August. It is a great film from the world of programs.
This is the musically important thing to do Neujahrskonzert with the Wandlitzer Kleinstinfonikern am January 12, that’s it Benefizkonzert der Chöre (1. März) anyway der Operattennachmittag (September 7). Letzterer would die under the motto “Wiener Blut”. The warm mezzo-soprano of Marie Giroux and the powerful tenor Joseph Schnurrs play the publikum en diesem nachmittag in the Welt von Sachertorte and Wiener Walzer mit Arien, Melodien en Duetten van Strauß über Stolz bis zu Lehár en Offenbach.
All terminology contains more information about the translations below so found. Presale tickets are available at Tourist-Infos Barnim Panorama and Bahnhof Wandlitzsee, in the Bibliotheken der Gemeinde Wandlitz, under In any case, both can buy Vorverkaufsstellen.