FDP General Marco Buschmann broader spricht Christian Lindner

FDP General Marco Buschmann broader spricht Christian Lindner

Elon Musk participated in a guest conference at the AfD’s Wahl. At the FDP it is wise to give an idea – and give broader instructions to the line of chefs.

“A small bisschen more Milei oder Musk car”: Dieses Rezept stellte Christian Lindner Anfang Dezember Deutschland aus. If Elon Musk posted the American President Musk’s FDP chief having a conversation – erolglos.

It is now no longer possible for the FDP to benefit from control over the Generalsekretärs Glauben. Marco Buschmann wrote the “Bild” in the Sonntag-kurz nach Veröffentlichung des Musk-Beitrages: “Were with a lot of people, fremdenfeindlichen and anti-Semitischen Partei kokettiert, taugt nicht als Polities Vorbild.” From the Appell seines Party Chefs, more Musk would dare, is that not more fell übrig.

More interesting is Buschmann’s rhetoric, which quickly answers the question of whether the FDP has power over: Minister and ex-FDP Mitglied Volker Wissing. The consequences of the “Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung” are: “Working on a direct right-wing populist politics and participating – whether financial or verbal – cannot be anything other than liberal politics.”

Other politicians, who Musk likes so much, also criticize the Milliard after his guest experience. “Once the AfD has started, Elon Musk’s investment in Deutschland will be more than ever. It seems that the time has come,” CDU politician Jens Spahn wrote on Musk’s Netzwerk X.

Also from the Editorial Board you will find heavy Gegenwehr gegen Musk’s Text. Franziska Zimmerer, community and social chef at “Welt”, comments on the title “Warum ich diesen Beitrag nicht gedruckt hätte”. In this case it is written on the other: “The text is not very clear-cut. (…) It is a matter of simple complexity, which is why the AfD is so important that the arguments are clear and the author is not completely responsible for the fact that the minutes are with Dieser Partei auseinanderzusetzen.”

The reporting of reporting is a basic problem of unanswered journalism. Musk has not taken over the “Welt”, while Zimmerer has done his work in Stammbuch, after taking advantage of the efforts of journalists as “the Legacy-Media, which jumps when the richest Mann der Welt wants it to”.

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