Mein GotY 2024 ignores modern gaming trends, loves pure action and punishes the Kezerische konkurrenz in the Bolterfeuer, die nur schnelles Geld will.
Manchmal gibt es Spiele, so die when the Time has fallen, that you will see that it is perfect. Für mich ist Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 the Game of the Year 2024. Old-fashioned, brutal, macho – all of them, I was really not in my own right. Here we dare to experience the Chaos (love the Inquisition, give us time to understand). Herzblut drinks here. The Entwickler has played Warhammer lore in detail for 30 years. If you show the pixel of the background tyranids or in the synchronization, the imperator is lobpreist. What was your best time? Dieses Spiel kam – oh Wunder – fierce on the Market! Very good mechanics, no bad system, without pure gaming requirements.
Game of the Year is a game that will no longer exist in 2024 – ultra-fashionable, brutal, macho
If Brett doesn’t have GotY (now), it’s good that some things are fruitful. Space Marine 2 is set to last, but other Games have been forgotten: Spaß ohne Kompromisse. Hold the DLC version, which will be played first in the coming years of the game played. No, here a fruitful event is caused by the release and the drüber effect.
So no: Statt with Balancing-Nerfs de Spass später zerstören, nach criticism of the game could strengthen everything like Horus on Chaos-Crack. The three-meter Space Marine flight is like this: who is a lebender Panzer, the Tyraniden reihenweise is fired.
Titus from Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 with Tyranids in the next billiger. © Focus Home Interactive
Statt sich am trend der standard online services cash-grabs are oriented (and if the flop is a sterben dish) with playing free missions and new waffen, money after release. Free? Hello? Welches Jahr haben wir noch mal? Here man remarks: Es geht um die Community, um die Spieler, um den Imperator!
Gedicht an den Weihnachtsmann: brutal Weihnacht überall
Imperator, hear me: And then, dear readers, come all together and so don’t go to “Grim Dark” fitting, my Wunschzettel for the Weihnachtsmann. Silent as a Poem. What Space Marine said was the following years:
- Lieber Santa, hello to you, I am here with you:
A game who dies, thats bangs, woman de Kauf nicht bereut.
- Die Lore so alt, so ehrwürdig, in jedem Pixel spürbar,
For Fans, von Fans, with a clearer hand, that’s for sure.
- But Santa, hey, who else, who plays games since learn,
With Bugs, the Frust statt Freude brings, man is never more.
- Gib uns mehr, wie the Space Marine, wo all strength and life,
If no one keeps the Spaß in balance, you will have the signal Hammer.
- Let us look, last us, to find out who the real Krieger signal are,
And I don’t want to Sachen mehr anymore – it’s really great!
- Last our battles, last our graves, I am crying out the names of the Imperators,
And bitte, Santa, girl is no more, Games who Redfall Oder Skull and bones see!
- Gib uns Knarren, die ballern, und Welten, die brenner,
A girl ending the industry makes games possible for gamers
Statistical Weihnachtsmann gifts are in the Warhammer 40,000-Welt with Red Gobbo, who brings the gifts. © Games Workshop
Poem Interpretation: I’m a Warhammer contrast that is one of the best gaming flops in years. Treaty, XChallenging, Redfall – all names, die more Enttäuschung as Begeisterung auslösten. Play a game sold on the market, in the Hoffnung, with the time it takes to become. Ben Finally, these Flops were born. But Space Marine 2 says it’s different. It’s great that the game is won by fans for fans, or that profits are increased – the community is quickly rewarded with 5 million in sales. And on Amazon Prime Video gets Warhammer 40k steel.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 It’s a feature story about the gamer and the Warhammer community. It is best that handicraft plays with herzblut nor on the market in the industry. Hoffen, in 2025 more Entwickler de Mut, die Beispiel zu follow. Der Imperator wäre stollz!