Saxony-Anhalt: Übergangsfrist für Öfen endet: Tausende Öfen affected

Saxony-Anhalt: Übergangsfrist für Öfen endet: Tausende Öfen affected

Additional costs for outdoor activities are affected

In fell Häusern in Saxony-Anhalt stehen Kamine or Heizöfen. If you can no longer see, you can go to your home. But you will get an important first exit.

Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – In Saxony-Anhalt there is a change in the future. When Andreas Hampe from the Schornsteinfegerinnung Sachsen-Anhalt said that the geltenden direction was a fact, it would no longer be possible to act.

In recent years, approximately 39,000 of the 275,000 collected Einzelraumfeuerstätten in Saxony-Anhalt have been affected. It is a classic holzöfen and kaminen in Heizungsherde or Waschkessel.

Knapp 39,000 Anlagen could hit signal

Since the settlement takes a long time, the theme may not be interesting for a long time, but Hampe. Over the years it is true that I have kümmert more people, a beispielsweise Kamine or nachzurüsten.

Für Geräte, died on January 1, 1995 and on March 21, 2010, the last dates being December 31, 2024. On January 1, 2025, this limit of 0.15 Gram Feinstaub and 4 Gram Kohlenmonoxid per Kubikmeter was reached. In 2010, politicians imposed stricter cross-border debt rules and your first term after Baujahr gewährt.

It could be a filter merging with a feinstaub filter, or a message reaching the borderline, Hampe says. For the other benefits it is not possible that Kaminöfen can pay a sum of money up to 50,000 Euro.

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