Magnus Carlsen: Jeans is a title fabricator at Schnellschach-WM

Magnus Carlsen: Jeans is a title fabricator at Schnellschach-WM

Magnus Carlsen
Title entry at Schnellschach-WM for Eklat

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Magnus Carlsen wanted to win the Schnellschach title in New York. Although this is an incorrect way of working, the situation is treated statistically.

The Number 1 of the Schach-Weltrankliste during their playing time in Jeans was the Teilnehmern untersagt ist. After sweating the Tages party, Carlsen received a fine of 200 US dollars and an ultimatum, which is a lot of money. Carlsen dies during the run and is disqualified from the run.

“Herr Magnus Carlsen has failed to comply with the Clothing Regulations regarding the Tragen von Jeans, which are subject to long-term Regulations for the current Veranstaltung which were also prohibited”, the part of the Weltverband mit. “These rules can take years and all parts can be used and can be used for your veranstaltung.”

Magnus Carlsen lehnte Fortsetzung des Turniers ab

In an interview with the YouTube channel Take Take Take erklärte Carlsen, there has been a trip to New York that is now in the Mittagessen and the Zeit, a Zimmer is one of the most popular. “Even if I had a shirt and a jacket and a real shirt, I didn’t even think about jeans.” Make sure Schuhe is neither gewechselt. Because it has become a long history, Turnier’s tomorrow is a fact, but when he grows up, he dies in such a way that has become his “Prinzipiensache”. A powerful reinforcement of the Turniers in the nevertheless excellent Runden lehnte Carlsen danach ab and clear signals sofortigen Rückzug vom Turnier. There was no more muscle building and Dorthin travels, “Wetter is better than anything here,” he says.

“FUCK YOU” @MagnusCarlsen is out.

— Take Take Take (@TakeTakeTakeApp) December 27, 2024

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Take a look, we will have a chance through the sunken commodity of the verzögerung. I was kept informed on the Internet, which is why the raw material does not come to a place: “Nach seinem schlechten Start is nicht gewinnen können, soft drink of the raw wurf aus dem Turnier für ihn sehr practical gewesen sein könnte. Ich kann mir few others Grundellen, why are so enthusiastic about it Blitzturnier is not in shape, and it is not that big. Or: “Nothing has been gained anyway, but there is also the opportunity to protest against these ridiculous rules. Finally, we could stay there, but it would be nice if we could stay there for a long time.”

See how you can watch the video: Nachdem un Russian Schachspielerin bij een Turnier über Unwohlsein klagt, überprüfen Verantwortliche die Überwachungskameras – und unrolling un konkurrentin.


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