Hot or Schrott – Die Allester on TV – Sendung

Hot or Schrott – Die Allester on TV – Sendung

  • “Amphibious Stunt Car”
  • “Fits well Rückenstützgürtel”

  • “Gohytal Windmühle Wassermelons Schneider”

  • “Magical Lockenwickler”

  • “Click and wear”

  • “StrechCordz Bremsschirm”

  • “Candy Arcade”

  • “Satina Serenity”

  • “Banana boot”

The other candidates are Detlef Steves & Co who have released a young program with “Hot of Schrott”. In the specific case that there is no experience in finding new products, products and gadgets from the house, technology or Freizeit, one of the functions you can use is the price of your all-tag stauglichkeit test. Auch Kinder im Alternative 5 and 11 years are “below” products under the Lupe, the black in Eltern or Großeltern can not last longer, but the heutzutage can still be bad. If the smaller products from the historical production of products are used, the larger products may not cause major problems. In the larger part of the next step: Diesmal is so targeted hairy – a Enthaarungsprodukt sorts for infusion with Lisa and Oli and with Family Hopf versucht man light Hair that is full. At Thema Fitness, the WG kids are covered in electricity and some uber-dimensional rubber balls that bring the next action into play. Take care of your innovative Schlafsäcke for kissing moments with Detlef and Nicole. And for the small tests of all kinds, the digital version of the mini tester is in recent times one of the things that a man of devices does, which he knows, but it cannot work. From a mobile phone on the Internet, one of the first play equipment and one of the existing computer computers with a different audio recording are available, which test the little ones of the latest technology on the market. Product: “Hair Remover” Epilator Arabic art The technique is a form of oriental hair coloring, which appears over time, with an elaborate hat. With this technique the smallest insight is that the Wurzel blitzschnell and the highest level is reached. Ohne chemical Zusätze, ohne Hitze, ohne scharfe Klingen, ohne Nebenwirkungen. Can a machine use the artful technique of hand? The “Hair Remover” is an excellent machine and a group of experts who save. Children’s tests Sachen, it is nothing more than that: “Analoges Tonbandgerät” Wer for fast 60 Years Music or the Sprache aufnehmen wolllte, because of themselves who can listen to them, brauchte a Tonbandgerät and a Magnetband, with the Aufnahmen zu speceichern. The digital technology with MP3 data and online music portals can provide more frost for the children, so the man has made great use of the music he has to release. Who will spend several years making audio recordings with the mini-tester that is: HOT or SCHROTT? “Bubble Balls” Specially designed for leisure with an extra bubble zone, the sogenannten “Bubble Balls” – illuminated, most transparent In Bubble-Soccer Fußballspiel or gegenseitigem Repel and Jumpen, that ball for delighted action, ohne sich weh tun. Spezielle Haltegurte im Inneren ensure optimal Sitz am Körper. “Fibers Hair Densifier” The Fibers Hair Densifier from KÖ-HAIR “provides clean, full hair in 30 seconds. Keratin phases combine with the residual hair and dissolve sogar washer-resistant with rain and rain. The Schütthaar would be applied to the head and with hair spray fix the end of the Tages or the Party Night once and there are no more problems in testing children, it is no longer possible: “Game Boy” Ganz is clumsy and has played a computer game but you are confused with the Game Boy and black as one of the first 30 years is on the market and the childhood and teenage years of damals and war go so credibly that a number of games can be played that are useful for four batteries and that play equipment does not rely on the installation of the device, where it comes from a targeted Konsole had the little one changed from damal’s taste? “Sushezi” Sushi Bazooka Perfect rolled sushi like Japanese, for an unfit hand – the Sushi Bazooka will make it even easier. Einfach Reis und Sushi-Füllung nach Wahl in de Röhre geben, das Ganze nichtsammenpressen und als Maki-Rolle herausdrücken. Zum Abschluss noch Seetang darum wickeln, fertig. A revolution in the secret sushi kitchen or another kitchen? “Makey Makey” Computer Gadget Man imagines that a computer can set a computer for a taste or flavor with Banana Steuern or to have his Katze streiched or in an egg with washcloths or other. Oder. Oder. Delighted? With the “Makey Makey” gamepad, the repairman is a child’s play, who can search creatively on a secret computer that has a taste function during various settings. When these gadgets are processed, this is a small art plate, with all power supplies connected via USB and the computer and so new that they can be used. The creditworthiness is not as great as Boundaries. Children’s testing Sachen, it is no longer possible: “Altes Mobiltelefon” No internet, no apps, no videos or photos! Heutzutage is an unvorstellbar, that man with a handy mobile can make phone calls or write text messages and maybe even play a simple 2D game. Relatively large and large antennas with directional antennas and small screens, the first mobile telephony in the 90s was a real sensation. Was the mini tester a nostalgic product? Isn’t it HOT or eher SCHROTT?! “Fliegender Wecker” As an alternative to Snoozel-Taste, the Wecker with a different function than sorgen, the besitzer will no longer be available. Der Klingelton is no longer impressed by any of the schlüssels, but the “Schlüssel” has never been as good as the Wecktons in the air and the first time they were inhaled. If you have a problem using it, you have a guarantee that you can offer when you place a bet. “AbGymnic”-Abnehmgürtel The travel movements are provided in the gym at the same time as a well-formed muskwork construction, which ensures a healthy lifestyle. All that training needs is what man is most interested in doing more or more homework. Zehn Minutes with the Gymnic can be as effective with 600 Situps. Learn to learn or useful fitness help!? Detlef und seine Allestester-Kollegenwagen the electric test. When testing Sachen it has never been like this: “Commodore C-64” In Form of smartphones it is true that Hosentasche still has not had a war with it in the 1980s. and somewhat clumsy. Der Commodore C-64 war one of the first signalers Art. Program, the huge amount of apps in jedemem Useful plug-ins, which cannot be loaded onto external floppies from floppy disks loaded. When the computer is operated, switch to another flavor and enjoy the taste, as it were, in the taste. Be that as it may, it’s a challenge to put together, but everything is so simple. The little people imagine the herausforderung and quickly make the old computer model appear under the Lupe. “Selk Bag Schlafsack” Boundless functionality and a number of gemütlichkeit provided these new artige Schlafsack, especially those with overalls. Arme en Beine are quite mobile and so soll man im Selk’ Bag all things that could be done, which in a normal Schlafsack are not possible: Zum Beispiel Lesen, Essen, Kartenspielen, Kuscheln, aus dem Zelt gucken, mal eben Wasser lassen and so on . and everything is warm, even if the bag is full of muss. (Sender info)

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