Fly and Fly: Mass Spectacle Four Hills Tour
Photo: image/ActionPictures
Oberstdorf Brummt in Diesen Tagen. If you are here in the Treasures of the Nebelhorns, you will quickly experience all the adventures in the Zwischen Weihnachten and Neujahr Ausgebucht Sind, which are not without the heavy snow cover of the mountains in the German Winter Sports Mecca. Auch das Auftaktspringen der 73. Four Hills Tour bring you the Menge zahlungskräftiges Publikum in den Ort. Schon im September war der am Sonntag stattfindende Wettbewerb mit 25 500 Zuschauern restlos auskauft. In the qualifying tags, the organizers of the 16,300 fans stehende Weltrekord were brochen.
This first gear during the Vorspiel before the Tournee Start can be evil. Both of them are others Skivering weltcups while this Zahl is not as tender as the real Wettbewerb erreicht is. That is the Zugkraft of the Ski Jump Grand Slams, which became a legendary winter sports event in the world of winter sports events in 1953 Alpine racing on the Kitzbühler Streif entwickelt hat.
Laut der unabhängigen internationalen Bewertungsplattform YouGov ist the Four Hills Tour enjoy the most popular sporting event in Germany, the handball Bundesliga and the Champions League of the football countries. »These things are natural in nature, but it is an unintentional interference. The Stimmung for Ort is a sensation and the TV broadcasts are a wirkliche spitze, said Oberstdorfer Peter Kruijer, who would die his summer chairman of the Four Hills Tour war.
There is a lot of money in the coffers of the four Tournee-Orte Oberstdorf, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Innsbruck and Bischofshofen. Oberstdorf Tourism Director Frank Jost has somewhat spoiled the Bayerische Marktgemeinde during the Corona time due to the damals that see all the roads in the Tournee-Woche »20 Millionen Euro Umsatz« in Beherbergungsbetrieben and Gaststätten during the Lappen-courses. The Kurabgabe itself raised 25,000 euros that day.
Oberstdorf is one of the German Winter Urlaubsziel numbers with more than 2.5 million American winter nights. Neben the major ski areas that carry out one of the ort and zahlreichen activities of other boats, drive the springs of the four hills tour that are separated from that time during skiing. The statement would take place in the tourism strategy »Oberstdorf 2020«: »With a strong focus on Alpine and Nordic skiing, Oberstdorf is the best winter sports destination in Germany. While the Bergwandeling Angebot, the international sports explorations, the training opportunities for Spitzen and Breitensport, the competition manifests itself during that period.«
In the Austrian Tournee-Finalort Bischofshofen, ski jumping is the biggest event of the years, which would cause a lot of trouble in the Hochkönig region. It was different in the Tyrolean Metropole Innsbruck and Garmisch-Partenkirchen, where Ski Jumping took part among the many international guests, such was the role play. In December 2023 you will be able to enjoy your holiday with 70 visitors in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in the Ausland – mostly tourists who enjoy the Zugspitze, with 2962 meters of German high mountains, and enjoy skiing.
In Oberstdorf we are presently present to our guests in Australia. Many German Urlauber betrayed, that is the Fernsehübertragungen of Wintersport-Events in the Ort locked haben. We will be joining the Nordic Ski World Championships 2021 in the Allgäu in the brightest Corona phase during the Lapps – without any loneliness.
A guarantee for the best TV quote is the Vierschanzentournee: More than enough millions of jumping events in Garmisch-Partenkirchen were also more than enough millions of events. Der Werbewert die transfers voor de Orte summiert sich auf zweistellingen Millionenwert, de Fernsehsender riffen für a 30-Sekunden-Werbespot will be more than 30 000 Euro auf. The Ski Associations from Germany and Austria bring the Ski Jumping Grand Slams market for years to come for millions of euros. Dazu is more common than 100,000 Zuschauern alone in the Wettkämpfen in the four Tournee-Orten weitere Millionen-Einnahmen. Money, the most valuable part of it is worth in the first ski club flight.
The Ski Jumper with the time of Pius Paschke from Munich, all these phenomena were possible at first, but became increasingly greater. The Gesamtsieger des Top-Events cashes 100,000 Swiss Francs, Kleingeld im Millionengeschäft Vierschanzentournee.