Leckere Cocktails and Gemütliche Cafés: Sechs Neueröffnungen in Düsseldorf

Leckere Cocktails and Gemütliche Cafés: Sechs Neueröffnungen in Düsseldorf

Dusseldorf. Zum Jahresabschluss blickt de NRZ auf de Gastro-Neueröffnungen in Düsseldorf zurück. Sechs among bars and cafes, which were a shame.

Auch 2024 gab es wieder velde Neueröffnungen in der Dusseldorfer Gastro Szene. These are all things that you can’t eat without restaurants. Now there are only a few dishes left at Kaffee and Kuchen verringen or the Abend with a tasty cocktail that is delicious, for the gift is a new Highlight and Secret Tips. So find an interesting local place in the ganzenlandeshauptstadt, which was alteingesessenen in Düsseldorf and new.

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These tips in this list are of course not applicable, a complete overview of the new gastronomy of Düsseldorf gastronomy. Other tips and tests are not available NRZ-Düsseldorf Gastro-Seite.

For an overview of the Top 9 restaurant innovations, read this part of the NRZ Gastro Tips for 2024:

Very interesting

Due to 2024, Düsseldorf will welcome new gastro highlights – from exquisite restaurants to trendy street food establishments. (Symbol image)

The “DSTRCT ART” Bar in Pempelfort: Cocktail Genuss is more than an insider tip

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It was noticeable that there was credit and one of the interesting Cocktail creations that did that “Dstrct Art” Bar in few Monaten einen Namur in Düsseldorf. The name itself translates from English “District” also to “Bezirk” and will dispel the local Verbundenheit. The Bar can no longer be carefree. Cooking with the safety of Cocktails ohne Eis, the kühlt in Fässern lagern and then nur nor refined were sparrows. This interactive map of the bar is an interesting change from other bars.

  • Die “Dstrct Art” Bar lies at Schloßstraße 19 in Pempelfort
  • Geöffnet hat sie von Dienstag bis Donnerstag from 18 Uhr to 0 Uhr, freitags and samstags from 18 Uhr to 2 Uhr and at Sonntag from 16 Uhr to 23 Uhr.

Die Máti Bar in Loretto-Viertel: Kreativität and abseits from the Cocktail Menu

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Nothing more stylish than in Loretto-Viertel zu. Died here from February 2024 Mati Bar delicious cocktails. Seien es Klassiker or der außergewöhnliche Kreationen, die kleine, aber fine Karte der Máti Bar is a bit for most Geschmäcker etwas. You can regularly find new drinks on the menu, soft drinks that you can drink if you want to buy new things. If you no longer have a card, you can get greater credit. Due to the regularity of “Brushes & Booze” events, the name was worded. An offer from Mal-Workshop with Cocktails as a reward.

  • Die Mati Bar befindet sich an der Neusser Straße 123
  • Geöffnet hat die Bar von Dienstag bis Samstag ab 18 Uhr. Aktuell ist everthing to beachten, that’s the Bar roads of the Feiertage noch bis zum 8. January 2025 geschlossen hat

The Bar des Cloud One Hotel: Enjoy the Dächern Düsseldorf

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About the Dächern Düsseldorfs gibt is a new bar, with Blick on the Kö-Bogen and the Schauspielhaus on Gustaf-Gündgens-Platz. In der Bar of the new Cloud One Hotels It is a self-service menu without cocktails or a glass of wine in the Abend, a Kaffee and a Snack gift are a great stock of new hotels on Flinger Straße. There is an interesting own creation with the menu – and the Kö Boulevadier, one of the most popular Whiskey Cocktails, also known as the Momo No Kumo Düsseldorfs Japanliebe Tribut. When you arrive at the beach, the hotel guest is given priority and your guest is no longer in the Bar to come.

  • Thats Cloud One hotel is located at Flinger Straße 25, the bar is located in Floor 7

Café Zen: Lokal met Fokus auf Achtsamkeit in Unterbilk

See November hat tie Cafe Zen geöffnet in Düsseldorf and an Oasis der Ruhe will be located in the entire Stress der Landeshauptstadt. In the future, brunch or brunch may take place locally. With a large bowl and special dishes, frühstücksmenus and large kitchen and bowls. The place is a gemütlich eingerichtet and lädt zum Verweilen ein. I die Cafe Zen Paid quality can earn a price, which can be given by botted quality if you want more. The reason for the high costs may lead residents to give all guests a reservation. It was a Wartzeit that resembled the Sitzplatz.

  • Das Café Zen is located at Haroldstraße 34
  • Geoffnet has installation dates from 8.30 am to 8 pm, dates from 9 am to 8 pm and sun tags from 9 am to 6 pm

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Kumo in Düsseldorf’s Little Tokyo: Süßspeisen and Einzigartiges from Japan

First time the year starts, that is Kumo in Düsseldorf’s japanischem Viertel. If the locals’ experience is no longer with Japan fans, there’s another slot that might be a bit new. Zwei Speisen are the guests of the Kumo who are busy longer. Part of the Monburan-Eis – in German, can be considered “Mont Blanc”. It is a core of soft material with a Maronen-Püree coating. Daneben no longer cares for Dorayaki. Light Japanese pancakes were baked here, but they were no longer completely spritzed.

  • Thats Kumo find it at Oststraße 109
  • Geöffnet hat is Montag bis Donnerstag from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and from Freitag to Sonntag from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Very interesting

Cafés with Süßspeisen from Japan and Korea, as well as Specialties from Taiwan, serve Düsseldorf's Gastroszene. A small overview of the large cafes and backyards. (Symbol image)

Creativität and Crafts in the Dream Pottery Café of Düsseldorf

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With dem Dream pottery cafe Beweist sich Bilk erneut als Zentrum für Kultur und Kreativität in Düsseldorf. Here you will not find cafe and kitchen utensils, but ceramics from your company’s own workplace. Look for bagels, snacks and smoothies on the menu. This upper-end connection consists of craftsmanship and a business at the Café-Genuss castle that can never be formed again in the city after Bilk. A reservation via the online portal makes it possible to avoid waiting any longer. If you visit a café during the summer, check the local website for top workshops for children. Then the Räumlichkeiten auch für Veranstaltungen can be given.

  • Thats Dream pottery cafe is located at Dianastraße 1
  • Geoffnet hat es von Dienstag bis Freitag von 9 bis 19 Uhr en am Wochenende von 10 tot 19 Uhr

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