This robust Pfanne is safe and soft

This robust Pfanne is safe and soft

Berlin. IMTEST has tested new Pfannen from Marken with Silit and Tefal. Check out the heat, warmth and robustness.

Egal ob Schnitzel, Spiegelei or Zwiebeln: Beim Kochen and the power of the right Pfanne in Unterschied. IMTEST, the test and communication portal of the FUNKE media group, has examined new bratp fans with a breakthrough of 28 cm on Ausstattung, Handhabung and in the practical test. Darunter Modelle von Silit, Tefal und Zwilling.

The first Platz im Test invests dying Fissler Adamant Bratpfanne* with der Bestnote 1.6. I am Kratz and Abnutzungstest erweist sie sich as wider positions and minimization of the consumption risks grateful ihres smarten designs. Aber auch Wärmeenwicklung und Wärmespeicherfähigkeit declined gut aus. All further details will be included in the mail as soon as possible.

Bratpfannen in the test: Fissler Adamant’s competitors

I follow all tested Bratpfannen with Preis** and Bewertung-vorgestellt:

The Pfannen von Fissler, Silit and Zwilling matured in the test die ersten drei Plätze.

The Pfannen von Fissler, Silit and Zwilling matured in the test die ersten drei Plätze.
© Fissler, Silit, Zwilling | Fissler, Silit, Zwilling


Zwilling Cornelia Poletto

  • Platz 4: Berndes Bratpfanne Balance Enduro* approx. 64.99 Euro: Test note 2.3
  • Platz 5: Rose Silence Pro Resist* approx. 65.95 Euro: Test ticket 2.3
  • Platz 6: WMF Permadur progress* approx. 99.99 Euro: Test note 2.4
  • Platz 7: Ballarini Murano* approx. 55.95 Euro: Test note 2.5
  • Platz 8: Tefal excellence* approx. 61.06 Euro: Test note 2.6
  • Platz 9: Fackelmann Chefkoch Hamburg* approx. 49.99 Euro: Test note 2.7

More information about the bratp fans in the test and the detailed tests can be found in ausführlichen Test report on

Technical data for Fissler Adamant Premium

The table provides an overview of the technical data of Fissler Adamant-Bratpfanne:

Brand mold: Specification:
Price approximately approx. 139 Euro
Durchmesser: 28 cm
Herdarts all
Material Stainless steel/aluminium
Maximum temperature in the backofen 80°C
Maximum temperature on Kochfeld 250°C

Is it true that the correct Christmas celebrations for the Festtage have not been put into your new Bratpfanne? In user Recipe collection you will find various inspirations.

Finger protection improves Pfannenhandhabung

In the category “Handhabung” the Fissler-Bratpfanne has disappeared mold Note 1.3. An integrated finger lock at Griff prevents the finger and the high Pfanne from sliding and locking.

The ergonomically shaped weight and the low weight of 1.8 kg come from the German hand. Particularly because the changes in the shape of the food are good. The special design of the Schüttrand prevents Kleckern – Nachwischen entfällt.

Fissler-Bratpfanne convinces in the practical test

I am Praxis test erhide that Pfanne mold Note 1.5. The experts will get more energy in the heat wicklung at Griff. At a temperature of 22.7 °C it may take longer and it is better. Great time to enjoy the heat efficiently: After heating at 250 °C, the temperature dropped completely to 147 °C in five minutes – ideal for delicious drinks.

Auch die Hitzeverteilung am Pfannenboden überzeugte. When other models show large temperature fluctuations, the difference between the Fissler-Pfanne and the Grad. This provides a small amount of brater enjoyment.

The Antihafteigenschaften could disappear if they come into danger. Die Beschichtung überstand den Kratztest mit guten Ergebnissen. Auch im Langzeittest does not look like Abnutzungen.

The Testsieger von Fissler was performed in the Bratpfannen-Test with a robust coating and a smooth hitzeverteilung in Boden.

The Testsieger von Fissler was performed in the Bratpfannen-Test with a robust coating and a smooth hitzeverteilung in Boden.
© Fissler | Fissler

Reliable Ausstattung der Testsieger-Bratpfanne

The Tester mold is used for the Ausstattung Note 3.0. The inside of the oven fell with a diameter of 28 cm and part of the flame broke up into roasting specialties. There is no eye for the ideal roasting temperature.

Ausgezeichnete Service- und Umweltbewertung

For the service and the environment, the Bratpfanne von Fissler died Best note 1.0. The packaging comes out full of plastic. The warranty is valid for one year.

Very interesting

Chef cooking vegetables in the pan

Gesamtbewertung der Bratpfanne von Fissler

The loners of the test categories said the following table:

Summary of the Bewertung:
Ausstattung-Note 3.0
Praxiseinsatz-Note 1.5
Handhabung-Note 1.3
Service and Environment Note 1.0
IMTEST-Gesamtnote 1.6 (Intestine)

Fazit zur Testsieger-Bratpfanne

Die Fissler Adamant Premium Bratpfanne* überzeugt im Test mit der Gesamtnoot 1,6. Except for positive cases, experts die Security functions auf. So the Griff is equipped with a finger protection made of plastic, the finger shape Abrutschen and for breaking protection. The low heat development at the Griff is another form of heating, a problem with prevention.

Thank you gleichmäßigen Hitzeverteilung am Pfannenboden, the Pfanne sees a unique experience at Braten, Dünsten and Grillen. Das Steak is also served to everyone. The ergonomic Griff and Fingerschutz are easy to hold. Beim Schwenken liegt der Griff thanks to the small weights in the hand.

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Generate information about the best bratpfanne in the test and the main models you can find Test report on

Other tests from Haushaltsgeräten find your next:

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