Nahost-Konflikt im Ticker: Israel confesses itself first about Tötung Hanijas

Nahost-Konflikt im Ticker: Israel confesses itself first about Tötung Hanijas

Israel reports again in Angriff in Gazastreifen

Donnerstag, 26. Dezember, 04.03 Uhr: The Israeli armed forces have deployed their own terrorists from the Islamist Hamas in the north of the Gaza thrust. The Hamas Kampfers have undisputed power over the use of Israeli weapons in the area of ​​the city of Gaza in the north of the embedded coastal areas, this is the case. Before the Israeli Luftwaffe and Artillery make their military mass attacks, a fight will be less important for the Zivilists. You cannot increase the power of the military. Your problem is that there is no unintentional overprüfen.

Israel has its first experiences with Tötung Hanijas

10.21 pm: Israel previously fought the power of Hamas chief Ismail Hanija in July in Iran’s Hauptstadt Tehran. The war started with a speech by the Israeli ministers against the Huthi soldiers in Yemen, who attacked Israel with Raketen and Drohnen. “We will develop the strategic infrastructure (of the Huthis) and carry out our Anführer activities. So whoever is with Hanija, Sinwar and Nasrallah in Tehran, in Gaza Strip and in Lebanon, says Katz nach Angaben in the ministeriums.

The Hamas chief in Gaza Strip, Jihia al-Sinwar, was in Israel on October 16 and the chief of the Lebanese militia organization Hisbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, on September 27 in the Lebanese Hauptstadt Beirut.

The 62-year Hanija War on the night of July 31 will become a re-beigeführte explosion in a Gästehaus der Iranian Regierung in Tehran. Hanija is called upon by Hamas to play a role as the Auslandschef of the Terror Organization of Gulf Emirates.

Nur zwölf Lkw konnten in zweieinhalb Monaten Hilfe in Nordgazastreifen verilen

5:43 am: In the transitional area, Oxfam has taken control of 34 areas in the northern Gaza Strip that have been preserved. The remaining Israeli Army Fahrzeuge may be hindered by the Hilfs organization in the Sonntag.

On the 34th load wagon, which formed the generation at that time, in the north of the Palästinensergebietes zu fahren, the ascendant vorsätzlicher Verzögerungen and systematic rearungen by the Israeli army could now sell the Hilfsgüter and the hungry Palästinensische Zivilbevölkerung “, this is in the Acknowledgment from Oxfam.

While the love for the debt, in the hilfsbedürftigen people who are not accommodated, we can be after the Verteilung von Nahrung and Wasser geräumt and beschossen, erklärte Oxfam weiter.

Netanyahu dries the Huthi in Yemen with the better Gangart

Montag, 23. Dezember, 5.33 am: After the Huthi soldiers in Israel defeated the Jewish State of Islamists in Yemen, military attacks have expanded. “So whoever would have the power to win the terror of the Iranian “Achse des Bösen” will become the Huthi vorgehen, said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel’s military became “strong, entschlossen and ausgeklügelt” trade, said in a video, which is an unmittelbar after a low protection with soldiers in the northern safe city.

US-military forces to take over the war camp for Yemen

Sonntag, 22. Dezember, 6.25 am: If you feel off the coast of Yemen, the US military has left its own campfire across Lake Roten. Both pilots have earned their money, one of them would be lost, because of the US-Zentralkommando Centcom at Samstagabend (Ortszeit) mit. The Flugzeug vom Typ F/A-18 Hornet could be abdicated “in an offensive fall of “Friendly Fire”.

The Raketenkreuzer “Gettysburg” has started the campfire, after the Flugzeugträger “Harry S. Truman” has started, this continues again. Since no problem ever arose, there is a detour in the hallway.

Israel weist Papst-Kritik zurück: Franziskus „misses with a small mass“

11.43 pm: Israel has criticized Papst Franziskus and his military actions in the Gaza Strip. The war between the Papstes is ‘underground’, we will no longer see ‘the chihadist terror’ with the ‘real’ Kampf Israels, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Samstag. Der Papst solle damit aufhören, “with both their messengers and the Jewish State and their people being fully responsible”.

While they are in the vicinity of an Audienz zu an Israeli Luftangriff in the North of the Gaza Strip, while after the Hamas controls are in place, a family can worry about their children. The Israeli army will fight and engage the terrorist organization “more terrorists affected, operating in a military structure of the Hamas terror organization.”

VS greifen Stellungen von Huthi-Miliz in Yemens Hauptstadt Sanaa a

Samstag, 21. Dezember, 11:03 PM: The US has become afraid of the Huthi soldiers in the Yemeni main city of Sanaa. If you see a different kind of rocket carrier and a Kommandoer in the vision, make sure that the Nahen-Oost is on Samstag together with the US-Zentralkommando (Centcom). At the end, the US-Streitkräfte is busy with more Drohnen of Huthis and a Marschflugkörper over the Roten Meer abgeschosssen.

Explosions were building in Sanaa, responding to the AFP report. Der von den Huthis betriebene TV-Sender Al-Masirah reported an angry from the Stadtteil Attan.

Israel attacking Raketenangriff of the Huthi rebels Soul in Yemen

Donnerstag, 19. Dezember, 5.08 am: The Israeli Luftwaffe has had its own reactions to a brief attack on Huthi rebels in the military bombing campaign. If other people attack energy infrastructure and the West Coast and interior of Yemen, the Israeli army will be attacked tomorrow. If you mistake the rebels for a military Zwecke, you can use them. This means that the Israeli Air Force would not be allowed to leave the country’s own borders during the night in Yemen.

In more areas in the Zentrum Israels, in the coastal metropolis of Tel Aviv, you can hear the warnings. The Siren who can recover by eliminating the Abschuss, teilte de Armee mit. The Huthi rebels are no longer able to use the Vorfall.

Israel will continue to control Gaza after the Waffenruhe

Service day, December 17, 9:20 am: Israel will support the American foreign ministers’ “Sicherheitscontrolle” in the coastal areas after a Waffenruhe in Gaza Strip. Minister Israel Katz writes on platform X, dies after a military and administrative battle by Hamas for the Israeli army, in West Jordan. As you force the Israeli government to explore a country of its own in a city, the singularity of financial control over Palestinian autonomy is removed.

“We are not an organization of terror with Israeli forces and Israeli citizens who tolerate Gaza attacks,” wrote Katz. “We are looking forward to seeing the reality before the 7th of October.”

Israel with rockets in the Gaza Strip

Samstag, 14. Dezember, 11:54 am: Israel is now an armed force with two rockets being exposed to the Gaza Strip. In the Ortschaften in the Nähe des umkämpften Küstenstreifens the Sirens of the Air Alarms sounded and Anwohner must hasten in Schutzräume. Both projects can be carried out.

Exceeding or sacrificing due to re-falling Trümmerteile would not be possible. Raketenangriffe from now on more than a few years ago, intense battles in Gaza would have become a reality.

Zwölfjähriger at Schüssen on Israeli Bus in Westjordanland getötet

3:55 am: A Bewaffneter in the Mittwoch das Feuer auf an Israeli Bus in West Jordan is eroffnet and dabei after Angaben the Israeli Military and from Sanitätern a Zwölfjährigen getötet and three more people lost. Since the day the children arrived at 11:30 PM (Ortszeit, 10:30 PM MEZ) they arrived in Jerusalem after Bethlehem. “Nach intensen wiederbelebungsversuchen” since in life bedrohlichem You will be able to enjoy a pleasant experience, understand that the Hadassah-Krankenhaus located in the west of Jerusalem.

The Israeli Rettungsdienst Magen David Adom has taken into account that his sanitary facilities have been discussed by four people, while there is one Zwölfjährigen.

Der Bus sei von der Siedlung Beitar Ilit abgefahren, erklärte das ortliche Rathaus. The young people saw their way to the house before their family in Jerusalem. “Israeli Security Forces prosecuted the Terrorists, aimed at blocking the streets and protecting the area of ​​Bethlehem,” stated that the Israeli military remains untouched.

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