Fancy raclette or fondue? Three festive alternatives for Weihnachten and Silvester

Fancy raclette or fondue? Three festive alternatives for Weihnachten and Silvester

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If these years are only a few years away, inform Raclette, Käse- or der Fleischfondue machen, sollte es with one of those three alternative variants.

Many people like to pay attention to the essence, which is better than the party and celebration that they can see. With classic dishes with fondue and raclette, there is never a person who sits in the kitchen for a long time, a few festive festivities that waste the inner time of the meal. Statistical “kochen” for all parties themselves – and directly at the Tisch. If this year does not last another year, please inform Raclette or other Cheese-beziehungsweise Fleischfondue if all goes well, it is one of the alternatives you can use.

Different fondue: Do you like an Asian tradition-oriented “Hot Pot” try?

Wer sich regularly with active Food trends and products that are used in other ways, is that women on Instagram, TikTok and Co. over the so-called “Hot Pot”. It is a matter of trade in an Asian world and it can often happen that the traditional tradition-oriented believes that the man with a bread fondue can vergleichen.

Fancy raclette or fondue? Three festive alternatives for Weihnachten and SilvesterIm Feuertopf (also called “Hot Pot”) was prepared, among other things, Rindfleisch, Meeresfrüchte, Tofu, Pilze and Gemüse. (Symbol image) © Dreamstime/Imago

Je nach Land beziehungsweise Region with the “Hot Pot” inland Asia cannot be used. As a rule it is a Feuertopf with Brühe in der Tischmitte. Teilweise is der Feuertopf auch zweigeteilt, soft drink with different Brühen – zum Beispiel a mild and a snack, or a vegetarian Gemüse- and a Fleischbrühe – gleichzeitig for themselves köcheln können. Darin could then go after Geschmack Fleisch, GemuseFresh fruit, Tofu, Pilze, Kohl and Teigwaren – including Dumplings and Nudeln – were prepared from the Sitzplatz.

Gebratene Nudeln zu Silvester? With a Tisch-Wok you can prepare very well

Eating raclette is possible with… a Tisch-Wok more Menschen ihr eigenes Essen gleichzeitig am Tisch zubereiten. Statt Kartoffeln überbacken with fine Raclettekäse from Switzerland, one of the most Chinese dishes here became with roasted Nudeln with Hähnchenbrust or vegetarian Eierreis with Gemüse roasts. If you want to make a sauce, you can cook it with Curry in Tisch-Wok.

Asian EssenWho is working on Nudeln and Eierreis an Silvester? (Symbol image) © Dreamstime/Imago


Photo series

Grilled Festessen zu Weihnachten or Silvester

Grilled FleischAfter all, enjoy the grilled meat with meat, fish and tasty meat, along with grilled cheese and tasty buns. (Symbol image) © Cavan Images/Imago

If the meat is not in the fondue top, it can be an alternative to the grill legends. It is impossible that no one is on the balcony or in the garden during this month. With a mini grill, meat, fish, grilled meat and delicious dishes can be grilled in an essential way.

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