Survivor 47 Episode 6 Recap: Feel the FOMO

The merger has arrived! In yesterday’s action-packed episode Survivor 47, the survivors abandoned their reinforcements and left their tribes behind. In typical “Survivor 2.0” fashion, players had to earn their way into the Connection. They competed in a grueling safety challenge followed by a stunning Tribal Council. If you missed the chaos, don’t worry, we’ll take care of it.

Here’s everything you missed on Survivor 47, episode 6: “Feel the FOMO.”

What happened on Survivor 47, episode 6?

Last night was dedicated to the Connection. The tribes disbanded and the individual part of the game began. The castaways took part in a reward challenge that provided 7 players with a feast of connection. The prize also allowed them to take part in a second immunity challenge. Kyle won the individual immunity challenge. Survivor 47’s favorite villain, Rome, continued to cause trouble. He spread rumors, lied, and tried to set a target for Kyle and Sol. The group decided they were done with his antics and voted him out to Tribal Council.

Read on for a more detailed recap of the October 23 episode.

Survivor 47 is entering its bonding phase

The October 23 episode began with Sierra, Andy, and Sam repairing the damage from last week’s blindside. The Gata tribe rejected Annika, surprising her number one ally, Rachel, who was sure that Andy was being kicked off the island. In Rachel’s confessional, she said she prays for Connection because she is at the very end of her tribe. Well, her prayers were answered. The connection is here!

Gata and Lavo say goodbye to their camps and head to Tuku to meet up as a group. When they arrive, Jeff Probst greets them and explains that the advantage hidden in Tuku’s camp can help them in the challenge. The survivors barely look for this advantage. I understand that they would rather spend their time socializing and forming new bonds, but come on, someone has to find the edge. During a short search, they come across red paint, which confuses the players. Caroline and Tiyana have memories of Sue with red face paint. They realize he must have the upper hand. Most of the survivors give up on the search, but luckily Genevieve keeps searching. He finds the advantage hidden in the buoy. During the challenge, he will discover its power.

Rome can’t stop gossiping about Survivor 47

As usual, Rome uses the search time to gossip and paint a target on another player’s back. His target this week is Kyle Tuku. He uses the information Kyle shares to convince the group that he is untrustworthy. She tells Sue that Kyle said she was weak. He then tells Tiyana (Kyle’s biggest ally) that he thinks she is the biggest female threat. Tiyana is shocked by this news. She confides in a member of Rome’s tribe, Sol, who assures her that Rome is up to its old tricks.

Kyle finds out that Rome is badmouthing him. She wants him out of the game. Most of this group seem to agree that Rome is a loose canon that cannot be trusted.

Who will win immunity in the first individual immunity challenge?

It’s time for the first individual immunity challenge of the season. Woohoo! Jeff explains that the castaways will compete in two challenges. First, they will compete in a team competition. The winning group will receive a food prize and advance to the Individual Immunity Challenge. Losers will not receive food or have a chance to compete in the second challenge.

Genevieve’s advantage allows her to bypass the first competition and automatically advance to the second. Oh, and she gets food. Happy girl! Team Yellow (Sierra, Sam, Teeny, Rachel, Sue and Kyle) wins the team challenge. Kyle wins immunity in the second event, making him the first solo immunity winner of the season. Good for him. He needed this. Rome was debating his name and he lost his voice.

Who went home in episode 6 of Survivor 47?

After Kyle got himself to safety, he and his teammates went to the Merge feast. As they drank wine and filled their stomachs, they talked about the Tribal Council. The group seems to agree that Rome must go. They decide that Andy will be the backup plan if Rome uses the Idol (they don’t know he doesn’t have it).

Back at camp, Rome is fighting. His plan to target Kyle fails, so he returns to his familiar plan of targeting Sol. He comes up with some bullshit story about how he felt bullied by Sol, and everyone was like, “Sure, OK. We can vote it down.” They calm him down so he doesn’t realize he’s the target. Once the Yellow Team returns, the plan gathers pace. Roma has no life in this game. Tonight his torch will go out.

In Tribal, Rome laments that the Amulet (shared by Andy, Caroline, and Teena) is a flaw. He’s right. It’s a weak, complicated power that poses a huge target for players who have it. Jeff is intrigued by Roman theory, so he lets him sit in his seat to explain further. Woah! I’ve never seen a castaway sitting in Jeff’s seat at Tribal before. This is historic. Boston Rob is probably crying somewhere.

After Rome speaks, Tribal continues. Teeny, Caroline and Andy play with their amulet on Teeny. They basically just expend energy to get rid of it. Any votes cast against Teeny will not count. Rome believes that Sol will vote tonight. In a confessional, he brags about how he ruined Sol’s game and wonders if he’s a Survivor legend. Delusions!

The votes are read and Rome is stunned. They finally got this troublemaker off the island. I feel so conflicted. On the one hand, Rome irritated me, but it also made such great TV. I hope a new villain emerges and takes his place.

Survivor 47 airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.


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