A new look at the Scenic: Renault’s design journey from MPV to SUV

Vidal is too modest to go into detail, but allows himself a smile. “I think that’s the key to delivering the right product. Technically, I don’t know what battery you use, what engine power you have, what range you have. In many ways you can have the same recipe as others and have the same performance. In the case of electric cars, this is almost obvious, and the same can be said about quality and reliability.

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“So it’s up to us, the designers, but also the engineering and product teams, to provide practical ideas, real things that will work in the interior of a car. We focus care and attention on functions, on little tricks that help improve your life, make it better. How to erase everyday frustrations? How to add practicality and intelligence to your product? Scenic is probably the beginning of this, but it’s certainly at the heart of what we’re asking ourselves as we work on future products like the 5 and 4.

In a sense, it’s right that the Scenic carries the torch of intelligent lifestyle elements that will permeate the rest of the Renault range. It may have changed dramatically, but it’s still a great example of a vehicle and its raison d’être that have been modernized.

The best parts of Vidal’s new Scenic


“Can I choose a general position? I guess I can. If you look at the front of a car coming towards you or see it in the rearview mirror, I don’t think the way the car looks nice on the road, with the sculpting of the wheel arches, is something you see too often in electric vehicles these days. They’re generally sleeker and try to be pretty or just aerodynamic – but I think the Scenic has a certain character. He’s a kind of technological personality, maybe a little mysterious. I’m proud of it.”

Rear bumpers

“We have vertical ‘blades’ in the rear bumpers that improve aerodynamics. They mean the bumper itself may be slightly curved, but the blades stick out and cut through the air perfectly, providing aerodynamic efficiency. I have to admit, we’re probably not the first to think about things like this, but I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.”

The interior is light in color

“There is one of the cabin treatments that is really light and I particularly like it. It offers plenty of space and gives the cabin a spacious feel, which I love. It also works independently of external treatment.”

Read our detailed Renault Scenic review now…

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