Windows 11 is one of the most used applications but still works on Windows 10

Windows 11 is one of the most used applications but still works on Windows 10

The statistics of the statistics show a portrait without attention to the exploitation of Windows systems. Although Windows 11 reached an all-time high in October 2024, the trend is reversed. The system is a more recent version of Microsoft on the premises that Windows 10 uses.

windows 11 faille secuWindows 11 is one of the most used applications but still works on Windows 10 Credit: Adobe Stock

Malgré a fin d’année 2024 prometteuse, Windows 11 continue the terrain of the predécesseur on the données of Statcounter. After noticing a historical picture in October, the Microsoft exploitation system was taken down again.

Les chiffres révelent an important value for the part of the march of Windows 11, which has passed 34.94% to 34.1% in December 2024, is a value of 0.84 points. If enrollment decreases with a trend of two of the following results, this amounts to a total of 1.48 points.

Windows 11 can be a convaincre face on Windows 10

Inverse, Windows 10 consolidates its dominant position with a march share of 62.73%, large 0.9 points. This situation poses important questions Windows 10 will end of support as of October 2025.

The problem with using Windows 11 is the explanation a party that sets strict material requirements, notes the need for a TPM 2.0. Microsoft maintains the requirements for minor criticisms, laissant from most users on the car. Pour rappelling, You have the option to continue to Windows 11 without known TPM 2.0you will never receive a safety journal again.

If users can no longer migrate to Windows 11, more options are available. Microsoft is offering a $30 security program for 12 months of extras. The solutions are increasingly offered if you need extra support, with a longer payment term.

The actual operation of Windows operating systems is divided as follows:

  • Windows 10: 62.73% (+0.9 points)
  • Windows 11 : 34.1% (-0.84 points)
  • Windows 7: 2.4% (-0.07 points)
  • Windows 8.1: 0.29% (-0.02 points)
  • Windows XP: 0.23% (-0.02 points)

Microsoft has really seen a fact that can convince users of such an exploitation system. While Windows 10 support is on the horizon, it doesn’t seem like Windows 11 gives the impression of having many uses.

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