Musk Plant Live Talk with AfD-Frontfrau Weidel

Musk Plant Live Talk with AfD-Frontfrau Weidel

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Neuer Trubel with Elon Musk: The American millennium will die because of the Bundestagwahl – and plans a Talk with Alice Weidel. The political reaction has been shocked.

Berlin – Robert Habeck wants TV Duell with Alice WeidelI think there is another one in the Bresche: Elon Musk. The US-Milliard will commit an interesting Talk AfD-Front Frau Weidel and the Right-wing Populists have prepared a new stage in the Bundestagswahlkampf. De Ankündigung-sorgt in de eigenen Parteien für Entsetzen – first Recht, nachdem der Trump-Vertraute Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier have put their best foot forward. Who else can’t have Einmischung?

X-Space-Talk statt TV-Duell: Alice Weidel (AfD) plans Auftritt with Elon Musk

Fest steht: Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk will pay more attention to the political discussions for der Bundestagswahl 2025 einmischen und die AfD unterstützen. After Daniel Tapp, the representative of the AfD chief Alice Weidel, has made a plan for a conversation with Musk and Weidel in the form of an X-Spaces, a live broadcast on Musk’s Platform “, bestätigte der Parteisprecher der Nachrichtenagentur dpa.

Musk Plant Live Talk with AfD-Frontfrau WeidelPlan a conversation about the Bundestag: AfD frontwoman Alice Weidel and Tech-Milliard Elon Musk. © Kay Nietfeld/Felix Kunze/dpa/Montage

Hilfe für Weidel: Musk wrote for the Bundestagswahl 2025 for the AfD

Musk himself put the idea for a gesoräch for the Bundestagswahl 2025 into play, night a great guest experience in der Welt am Sonntag breite Diskussionen und Kritik ausgelöst hatte. „Warte bis Alice en ich an X-Spaces-Conversation führen. Then they are lost in the understanding,” Schrieb is an AfD-nahen Influencer, who has been deeply involved in the debate. Weidel himself comments on Musks at X and thanked him in a video at the US-Milliard. A telephone conversation or direct contact is possible if they both do not speak to each other. They became completely bald, reported Mirror.

AfD Party Day 2013 in Berlin

Photo series

Zuletzt hated the German right-wing populists while living in the US. Kurz nach der Wahl were some AfD Abgeordnete traveled to Mar-a-Lagothe new American president Donald Trump. Musk is meant to have a new way of governing. There are a few people who express Trump delay when there is interest in the AfD.

Ärger nach Gastbeitrag in der Welt am Sonntag: Musk taunts Scholz und Steinmeier

First of all, Musk greeted him with a welcome treat before dying Welt am Sonntag for the AfD members there was extensive discussion and criticism. A number of provocative comments have emerged on platform “Olaf is a Narr”, wrote Musk and über Scholz. Danach bezeichnete is Bundespräsidenten Steinmeier as “anti-democratic Tyrann”.

“AfD sells us on Putin and Trump”: Harsche Reaktionen auf Musk-Weidel-Plan

These devices ensure good control and ensure that the Federal Chamber of Commerce is jointly informed. The reactions to German politics will not last long. Christiane Hoffmann, the controversial speaker of the Federal Government, uses some Tagen in his ideas about musk influences in the Bundestagswahl. “In this way, Elon Musk has been waiting for us to continue with our future,” said Hoffmann of the Nachrichtenagentur dpa.

SPD chief Lars Klingbeil ensures that power over larger internet platforms goes beyond borders. “Here we took note of a Tech-Milliard, if a stream is of use, a gang of the world police of the influenza,” erklärte Klingbeil the Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe.

Derweil nahm SPD Health Minister Karl Lauterbach who ins the AfD ins Visier: “The AfD has elected a Putin and a Trump,” wrote the Politiker on Musk’s Platform The fact is that democracy has a grim future.”

Einfluss auf Bundestagswahl: AfD lies in Umfrage auf Platz zwei

Whoever die Musk-Unterstützung that affects the Bundestagswahlbleibt abszuwarts. In the Bundesweiten faction, the AfD became the most recent currency on February 23, 2013 and the new Bundestag will take place on February 23. After the years when the Wahlkampf is strong and Fahrt is won – and dies AfD looks at Kuschelkurs with Musk.

Bundestagswahl 2025 – Everything Wichtige zu den Neuwahlen in February

So the Stimmabgabe functions: Everything sour First and Zweitstimme at the Bundestagswahl 2025.

Antrag, Fristen, Zahlen: Das müssen Sie bei der Briefwahl for the Neuwahlen beaches.

Frost at Kreuz: Diese Fehler sollten Sie beim Ausfullen des Stimmzettels avoid.

Auszählung und Stimmabgabe: All information zum Zeitpunkt der Ergebnisse der Bundestagswahl in the overview.

Welche Partei passt zu meinen Vorstellungen: Here you will find it Wahlomat zur Bundestagswahl 2025.

Musk states Habeck: Vizekanzler lehnte TV-Duell met AfD-Frau Weidel ab

The help of the AfD-Frontfrau Alice Weidel is said to have left the Mitbewerber. While Kanzler Olaf Scholz played his herausforderer Friedrich Merz in a TV duel, Grünen kanzlerkandidat Robert Habeck asked Alice Weidel in a Fernseh debate. But the Vizekanzler lehnte ab. With a live X-Space game together with Musk it is better than an alternative conversation. (jkf)

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