Kind Unfall met Lenkbob schwer verletzt

Kind Unfall met Lenkbob schwer verletzt


It can take a year before the service in the ski area is white in the event of an accident with a sogenante lenkbob that is lost. After a missed opportunity for a country in a kind of Bachbett.

02.01.2025 06.06

Online page heute, 6.06 Uhr

There is a friendly war with the lenkbob that drops the track meter onto the path of the hanging slopes and how you look at it, in the form of a faint broomsen. The Bub stürzte with his Bob in a Bachbett. Sein Vater, der Unfall beobachtet hatte, zog ihn sofort heraus. A cable car from the Bergbahnen is an excellent representation of the Rettungskräfte. The child was left with care in the back and in the back with the medical examiner in the Klinikum Klagenfurt.

Ski instructors collidierten am Nassfeld

In Nassfeld the Mittwoch is one of the most popular skiers. A 23-year-old Italian war with a 16-year-old Slowenin in Steilhang in front of the Talstation der Rudnigsattelbahn jijammengestoßen. It is true that Slowenin is late and is in the LKH Villach flight.

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