Towards a sensible and comprehensive immigration policy

Towards a sensible and comprehensive immigration policy

The Left (i.e. the Democratic Party) is utterly destroying the United States. And nowhere is this more evident than in immigration policies and our failed education system. Joe Biden has horribly divided the nation over immigration, and he did it completely, 100% for the political gain of the Democratic Party. The words to describe how selfish, short-sighted, destructive and malicious Biden has been towards America probably do not exist in any human language. But that sums up the entire Democratic Party right now.

Biden has turned two venerable traditions in American history — immigration and education — into dirty words. Let me discuss immigration first.

A recent poll found that 60% of Americans say the country no longer needs H-1B visa workers. Whether that is true or not, this poll reflects the sentiments that Biden has created in America on immigration.

No true American patriot could ever oppose legal immigration. Ultimately, the entire country was built by immigrants. Even the American Indians – the “first Americans” – emigrated from Asia thousands of years ago. Every American citizen in the country today is descended from immigrants, and it would be the height of hypocrisy to oppose further immigration. Good immigration policy has been a crucial cornerstone in American history.

Yet no true American patriot could ever tolerate illegal immigration. That goes against the founding principles of the country – a nation of laws, not people – and opens the door to anarchy and chaos, not to mention gross injustice to today’s American citizens. If one person can break the law, why can’t the others do the same? Illegal immigration is wrong, and every country in the world has laws against it. In fact, America does that too, but it is a measure of Biden’s endless criminality and base immorality that he, and the executive branch of his government, whose main function is to enforce the laws, have so consistently and miserably refused to do so.

Can we find a healthy immigration policy? American patriots should not oppose legal immigration. But that doesn’t mean that we throw our brains out the window and let everyone in, that we open the doors indiscriminately and let the whole world in. American citizens, of any race, color or creed, come first and should be given the highest priority in the country. Immigrants have always been welcome, if they can contribute to the well-being of the whole, and if they do not deprive American citizens of resources. Any country that puts the world first does not do justice to its own people.

I insist that every illegal alien in America be sent home (and I wish they would put a Democrat under each arm). They break our laws. I’m glad they’re trying to come legally, but they can’t stay illegal. Aliens who are legally in the country should certainly be allowed to stay, as long as they don’t parasitize the American people. But it has crossed my mind that before we allow any more “legal” aliens into America, we need to stop, take a breath, clean up the mess, look at what we have, and then determine what we need to have. If we need jobs that can only be filled by immigrants, then by all means, let them in. But America simply cannot let everyone on Earth into the country, even legally. We don’t have room for them, nor the jobs they can fill.

Controlled, rational, legal immigration that will absolutely benefit the country. Illegal immigration – for any reason – absolutely not. These must be provided and should guide any sensible immigration policy.

But now we are faced with the H-1B visa immigration issue. Vivek Ramaswamy’s argument that too many American workers are “mediocre” may be factually true, but his conclusion that we should therefore import more H-1B visa workers because of the “mediocrity of workers” is insulting and completely off-putting, at least to me . The answer is not to import “excellence” at the expense of “mediocre” Americans, but to elevate the education system to a level where it creates excellent American workers.

America does not need the H-1B immigrant visa program. In fact, I think it’s an insult to the country. It implies that America cannot produce the quality and excellence needed to fill the jobs that need to be filled, and so we must import foreign workers to do that. But the catch is that in order to produce the quality it needs, America must fix the education system that was once the envy of the world, but is now the toilet bowl and sewer of “social justice,” left, America. Marxists hate. And as long as that continues, I think we WILL need foreign workers, because unskilled “gender studies” idiots will never have the qualifications needed to do the high-end jobs that require skilled workers. Unfortunately, incompetent Americans are exactly what greedy corporate capitalists want so they can hire foreigners and pay lower wages.

If we want to “Make America Great Again,” the answer is not to import non-Americans to do work that Americans should be doing themselves. The answer is to restore the education system to one of the highest quality, morality and skills so that we can create the virtuous leaders – government and business – who will indeed lift America to greatness again.

I welcome people from other countries to come to America, IF they will do so legally, IF they are willing to respect America and its laws and people, and IF they will support themselves and contribute to the well-being of the nation. Letting people in because they favor one political party over another, or so that greedy capitalists can line their pockets, is despicable, disgusting and ultimately destructive. America and Americans must be the priority. Then let’s see what we need and welcome others to join us.

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