Markdorf: Kleine Vleugel rocks den Stadel

Markdorf: Kleine Vleugel rocks den Stadel

Markdorf – “Hauptsache die Schuhe passengers!” This is what the Mann said, the guess the “Theaterstadel” was rocked. Jörg Müller, alias “Milla” from Wuppertal, loves a lot of Rock ‘n’ Roll. Keine kleine Kostprobe irgendwelchen Könnens, without a full Kelle fabelhafter, more dignified, best gewürzter Musik.

“Beautiful Day”, the Ballade of “U2” as Hors d’oeuvre – and the Hauptgericht with Songs von den Stones before everything. And everything is nice. But there was also the comment about the look of a hint of a clear sense of humor, such as: “Now, I was happy with my white Stiefel! The most recent ones are still not good sitzen, but other Leute in meinem Alternage is nur noch Gesundheits-Sneaker in Beiboot-Größe lagen.”

Jagger des Ruhrpotts

Nun, a bisschen egg means anything. But if you are a musician, Milla hears his inspiration, his mark – and would be with the Zeit zum Stilmerkmal. Aus rein musikalischer Sicht can be a great and good representation.

Schließlich gilded Milla nicht umsonst as “Mick Jagger des Ruhrpotts”. We were happy to hear it, we were there, we were on the stage. Man fühlt sich een Südstaaten-Rocker erinnert, was an often used articulation. I am Falle Meyers beyond the fable of his Rolling Stones Adaptation. It is quiet and the brand is on the market, matching the white stepel.

I’m more than happy to see Little Wing, the band on stage. No hat Little Wing with “Paint it Black” exaggerated. The sitar here, rough guitar riffs, Dazu’s energetic and powerful stroke, then a swing that taps into Ruhepuls.

Vorhin noch hat der Saal Kopf stood. During the entire year, the semester of Grauschöpfe met Pferdeschwänzen – angesteckt vom “Paint it Black”. Aber von weg Schwarzmalen! Wer da augen schloss, erlebte eine farborgie in psychedelic tones – the wiederkehr of Flowerpower and Hippie-Ausgelassenheit. And now Michaela Popp appears on stage – with “Walking in the Sand”. Kaum is more melancholy. That’s sad blues. Wieder see all registers. Wieder wants to see a bright Couple. Whoever looks at the publication, when it comes to washing, maunzen, röhren. Popp music that crosses genres – from Blues to Rock. I have received an impulse from the Besonderheit of the Chamäleons. So the nature of the work is done in a harmonious way. Hymnisches meistert are with their own lightness and pure pop.

A band stays on the popp in a given moment for flexibility. Bravour’s played saxophone phrases create a refined keyboard sound – just a hinge, then you can unload it. Auch das kommt gut an im volen Saal des Theaterstadels. Auf schöne Soli then followed with enthusiastic applause. Here for the blubbering of the bassists, while Tom Wageners makes the best schlagzeugeinsatz.

Zum 20. This hat is from Little Wing & Friends in the Markdorfer Stadel-präsentiert. The band and its circles of friends couldn’t have felt better over the years. Weshalb is put in direct charge of the dare – and Sebastian Dracu from Baden-Baden is loaded. A young rocker, the energy stood out with charm. The veterans of Little Wing are no different than usual. The Rock ‘n Roll is music in Fortwährendem Wandel.

That Musicer

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